Convention should be called Follow "A" Christ

by garybuss 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • garybuss

    According to the Insight book, there are Christs like there are gods, many! The term "Christ" is a title like judge or attorney. If the conventions are really about Jesus, like they're advertised in the media, the conventions should be called Follow "A" Christ instead of "The" Christ, according to Witness produced literature.

    Insight Vol 1 p. 438 Christ
    An exceptional use of the title "Christ" is Paul's reference to Moses rather than Jesus,

    The term "Christ" is also used when speaking of the Christian congregation and its relationship to the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • Frequent_Fader_Miles

    Actually, the Convention may be quite appropriately named as is. Since "Christ" can also mean "annointed", which in turn may be translated as the "Faithful and Discreet Slave" ....

  • zack

    It may as well be named "Pin the Tail on the Donkey." It alll comes out of the rear end of such an animal.

  • garybuss

    Anybody asked a believing Witness how many "Christs" there are? I'm just thinking, how can they say "the" Christ, when they teach there are so many Christs?

  • OnTheWayOut

    According to

    Christ (krst)

    n. 1. The Messiah, as foretold by the prophets of the Hebrew Scriptures. Often used with the. 2. Christianity Jesus. According to


    This page is about the title, office or what is known in Christian theology as the 'Divine Person.' For other uses, see Christ (disambiguation)

    Christ is the English term for the Greekword ???st?? (Christós), which literally means "The Anointed One." The Hebrew word for Christ is ???????? (Mašía? , usually transliteratedMessiah).

    The word is often misunderstood to be the surname of Jesus due to the numerous mentions of Jesus Christ in the Christian Bible. Often used as a more formal-sounding synonym for Jesus, the word is in fact a title, hence its common reciprocal use Christ Jesus, meaning The Anointed One, Jesus.

    The WTS usage of the word is literally what they wanted. It is not specific and can be "normal" sounding to others.
    It can refer to the anointed, or to Jesus with his title.

    I assume your use of "A" Christ refers to their brand of Christ, and not the same Christ that most Christians understand.

  • garybuss

    Yes, my "A" refers to the Witness definition of the word "Christ". The title of the conventions to me is "odd". If they would have left off the word "the" in Follow THE Christ, and just printed Follow Christ, they might have fooled a few more people.

    I notice the Witnesses interviewed by the media who are reporting the news of the Witness district conventions don't bother to tell the media that they believe Jesus is not their mediator, he is "a" god, (one of many) and he is "a" Christ (also one of many). And the Witnesses don't tell the media that "The Christ" in the convention title refers to the owners of the Watch Tower Publishing Corporation.

    To the Society, Jesus is nothing but a bait and switch, sort of like the missing loss leader, like the four corner stall used in the grocery store.

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