Dating question

by jond 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • aligot ripounsous
    aligot ripounsous

    Which unfortunate choice, Mum ? joining with this forum or being a flexible JW ?

  • Mum


    Oh, sorry for the lack of specificity. The unfortunate choice (imho, of course) is a relationship that is, by the rules of the WTBT$, very self limiting - there can be no sexual expression or marriage, so "dating" this person means just sitting around listening to repetitious blather about WT doctrine and cult fairy tales. Perhaps there may be some fun in it as solely a friendship if they enjoy the same kinds of recreation, but the JW is not supposed to be friends with a non-JW either.



  • nvrgnbk


    I thought this was about chronology.

    Good luck to all those poor girls dating dysfunctional JW men.

    The ones that don't play by the rules they've agreed to follow, all the while hypocritically trying to enforce them on their unsuspecting paramours.

    Lots and lots of luck with that.

  • flipper

    Jond- After I faded 4 years ago, my crazy wife (Substance abuser) left me and didn't want to get back together. I started dating another woman 3 months after she left me, risky for sure as at the time I didn't have evdence of adultery on her part. But a couple months later on the phone she admitted to me she had been seeing someone and had done the" dirty" deed. So my dad, an older elder, even though I had faded, told me to satisfy the elders from being nosy and get them off my back snooping, to write a letter to the body of elders saying my wife had confessed adultery to me and to please consider me scripturally free to remarry. It worked. The elders stopped harassing me and I moved on with my life as a fading , non attending ex witness. Try it. Get the goods on his or her ex mate. Get the goods meaning prove their unfaithfulness, and you just might have clear sailing for your relationship. It's worth a try if you really love this person. Worked for me. Peace to you, Mr. Flipper

  • aligot ripounsous
    aligot ripounsous

    Thank you for the welcome, Mum, I should have started with that, excuse me.

    Now, Jond, I understand, in so far as you are the non JW who dates the divorced JW, that you are very considerate so as not to let (let's say) him do things which will entail DFing for him. Really, the onus is on him to make his choice : since he is not free to remarry, owing to JWs' rules, either he priviledges his belonging to the congregation and you will never marry him, unless he proves his ex wife's adultery (but you can't live on that, can you ?) or he chooses you instead and is ready to be disfellowshipped. He normally knows all that already,

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