If I handed in a paper like that ... I'd fail!

by Frequent_Fader_Miles 28 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • skeeter1

    The Society's writers do half quotes and misquotes ALL the time.

    See "Jehovah's Witnesses, Blood Transfusions, and the Tort of Misrepresentation". (link to at through ajwrb.org). It tears apart the "How Can Blood Save Your Life?" booklet. The Society's quotes are shown to be bad, and the quoted material does not stand for what the Society says it does.

    I've also heard that the "Creation" Book was full of misquotes.

    I've also heard that the last magazine (Asleep! or WT) article on college education had 4 misquotes. The secular writers were all FOR college, but the Society misquoted them. I think I saw the critique somewhere on JWD.

    Not only would the Society not pass college, they should be SUED.


  • lonelysheep

    Any credible statement can be researched to verify its accuracy.

    I would fail, too, if I neglected my responsiblility of citing my sources. False claims don't fly in uni! Hey, keep people out of college, and they may never know how it is critical to cite sources. Footnotes, schmutnotes.

  • reneeisorym

    At the beginning of me starting to quesition, I ran across a quote from TIME magazine supporting not going to college. It called it a waste of time and money!!!!

    So I looked up the quote and found it to be an article about it being a waste of time and money for parents to send their kids to school if they didn't apply themselves. It was about kids who just went to college to party and not to learn anything. That was so totally not how they quoted it in the WatchTower -- and their misquoting really made me upset.

    How many times did you read the word clearly like you were suppose to understand it better, and didn't.

    I so totally understand what you are talking about. I would think, "but its really not that simple and clear and just because you put "clearly" in it does not mean that I get what the hell you are talking about!!!"

  • Jankyn

    Yep, that's what started me on the road out of the bOrg--at ten years old! In 5th grade, I wrote my first research paper (a five-pager on Brazil, with a map!) and learned about citations.

    Suddenly--and clearly--I saw that the WT was not playing by the information rules that everyone else accepted.

    Of course, later I became an English teach and happily flunked students who write like the Writing Department.


  • Frequent_Fader_Miles

    Thanks for all the replies everyone! But I must make special mention of "TheOldHippie" who said:

    The bibliography or references are always available upon request, they will then send you the extended versions of the articles you want. Just ask.

    ARE YOU FOR REAL????????????

  • Sarah Smiles
    Sarah Smiles
    Yeah and another rule is that you aren't supposed to quote YOURSELF when you write! Its like saying, "It must be true because I've said it before" WTF?

    See I didn't even think of that one! LOL

  • aSphereisnotaCircle
    I got to the point when I was crossing out so much passive text in every WBTS publication that it left it basically unreadable.

    Could someone expain to me what "passive text" means?

  • monophonic

    that's like a music critic saying about a cd:

    'i had high expectations for this cd, so i wish i could say this release is great, but it's like the band didn't even try...it's definitely a cd they made just to fulfill their contract'

    and the band quotes:

    joe blow from blow joe magazine says 'this release is great'.

    the wtbts uses so much spin it's scary....

  • Leolaia

    Because otherwise they'd have to make up a name like, oh, say "Jukt Micronics," but that would just get them into trouble. ;)

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