if something is quoted can a jw...

by carla 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • carla

    If an author is quoted in the mags (or shall I say misquoted) and a jw learns where the quote actually came from even if it is of religious nature (non jw) can the jw then read the book?

    If the writers in NY are reading Christendoms books and quoting where it suits them why can't the dub read the book? (let me guess, my brothers have done all the work for me, or they are of the annointed. Nevermind that they aren't I don't think most dubs know that)

  • BluesBrother

    Nothing to say that a dub cannot read a non WT religious publication . My wife does it all the time and one book in particular that I can think of was instigated by an elder using it in his talk and giving her the references to buy a copy. We also have several Bible Dictionaries and ref books that I used to use in talks and the like. I guess caution is advised these days but it is not a hard and fast rule (around here anyway)

    Your point reminds me of one time though some years back. We had found useful stuff in a psychology book, self assertion and the like. We used it in talks and in "assistance" to somebody. Her husband complained to the other elders that we were introducing "apostate ideas" to his wife. He was floored when I showed him that The Watchtower had quoted the book as a reference in its articles about coping with depression . The other elders backed me.

  • OnTheWayOut

    The only actual FORBIDDEN reading materials would be those written
    by former members. Many other reading materials, while not forbidden,
    would be considered a bad idea to read- including things they quote.
    (We had to look at it to tell you what it says, and it's bad for you to read.)

    They can't DF you for reading outside materials that are not from former members.
    But I still recommend that you don't mention reading them.

    Just like R-rated movies. Watch them and you won't be a good example, so don't
    tell them.

  • ush419

    What you read or don't read for that matter, isn't any of the "fing" business. I have on several occasions told others including elders to bug off when asked about where I read so and so, i simply tell them, it isn't my job to do your research for you, Only a fool would allow others to do the work they should be doing themselves. That comment always quiets them. They are surely the unread.

  • concerned x
    concerned x

    I would agree that we should check and double check all reference materials for their credibility but if the Watchtower quotes them we should be assured of quality materials. Or so I thought. I recently submitted a study to my ex PO and he discredited the study because some of the reference material was from others who did not believe completely as JW's do. Many adhered to the Trinity doctrine so the PO rejected the entire study. Well, when I showed him how often the Society quoted from the same sources I would have thought that he would have given it a second chance but no he still rejected the study. Why? Because it was contrary to JW beliefs.

  • OnTheWayOut
    ...but no he still rejected the study. Why? Because it was contrary to JW beliefs.

    Concerned X, he rejected the study because it was not approved by and printed
    in the Watchtower. Dubs, especially elders and up, automatically reject every
    scientific, theological, pyshchiatric, etc. finding that isn't printed in the WTS
    literature. Even if you agree with them, the Faithful Slave (now in reality- the GB)
    has to have its say-so.

    Submitting studies just gets you DF'ed. Please tell us what's up? What is your
    objective and how's it going?

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