The sacrifice of Christ to redeem humankind, Why?

by VM44 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • poppers

    From JamesThomas: "Rather than getting lost in the minutia of Biblical whys and wherefores, it may be more beneficial to simply see the insanity of it all; and then choose to dwell elsewhere; perhaps living in reality would be a good place."

    Well said. Right - live in reality, which is here right now.

  • glenster

    What I have so far on the difference between the mainstream and JWs leaders' versions of ransom, etc., is at "Ransom" a little more than 1/5th down the page at the next link:

  • freeme


    i can somehow relate to your question but the answer you search is:


    what is the purpose of getting someone punished when he hit you or stole something? because it feels righteous. when god would gave humankind back their privileges without having their debts paid it wouldnt be righteous. since humans couldnt pay it alone he helped them by giving them jesus.

    so god was loving to give us the chance even though we couldnt help us alone.

    [attention! only the jw doctrines i learned]

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