How do you view crosses now?

by reneeisorym 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • reneeisorym

    If you are a Christian, how to you feel about crosses now?

    If you are an athiest, would you wear one?

  • bavman

    I'm agnostic, buddhist, unitarian, christian, hindu, muslim....does that count? I wouldn't wear one however I am not opposed to one. I am not appalled or in fear of a cross either. It is an old symbol used before christianity. I view the cross as a good symbol because it means making a continual transformation for the good (in my own mind).

  • bigdreaux

    when someone wears a cross, i don't get offended, but, from my perspective, i think it's weird. i mean, if someone you loved was shot with a handgun, would you wear a glock symbol around your neck? also, i think people need to focus more on how jesus lived, not how he died.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    (prefatory disclaimer: I am an atheist)

    Generally speaking I try to avoid getting up on them, but sometimes duty calls and I just have to haul myself up there again.

    I'm not a "jewelry person," so I wouldn't wear a cross.

  • changeling

    LOL: bigdreux, did you get that reasoning from the Live Forever book?

    Not that it matters either way, I'm agnostic and religious symbols mean nothing to me.

  • PEC

    Why would an atheist wear one?

    Crosses don't bother me, it's the WWJD pendants that make my blood boil. The people that wear them are usually the most un-Christ-like people.

    BTW, renee, you misspelled atheist, was that intentionally?


  • bigdreaux

    changeling, that may have come from the wts, i've thought that way for a long time, but, even if it did come from them, it makes sense to me. i honestly don't know where it came from.

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    I will wear one till the day I die, well I have a tattoo of a cross on my arm, but I have a crucifix over my front door, bedroom doors, and a cross from the Holy land in the living room, another one from Ireland in the dining room, I have a rosary hanging from the rear view mirror in my car, um several crosses that I sometimes wear.

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    Big D, did you read that other post about Big Love, you are so like Nikki,

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    Renee, how do you feel about the cross?

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