by Wordly Andre 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    Has anyone seen it yet?

  • CaptainSchmideo

    Saw it last nite.

    I liked it. It wasn't problem free, but it was much faster paced than the book, while still managing to squeeze in all the major elements.

    My biggest gripe with these films, as well as others, is rushed line delivery. Important information that should be provided to the audience is said in such a heated superfast method, that if you didn't catch it, you might get confused by what happens later on. I notice that the veteran actors on screen don't have any problem with this, it's usually the kids who mumble or slur the dialogue. Unfortunately, since the kids are the main characters, this becomes a big problem.

    Anyhoo, the other bad thing about the films is that the stories are becoming tales of war and of loss, and they are not as light hearted as the earlier ones. Characters are starting to be killed off, and it's hard to leave the theatre in an "up" mood. The last two films are especially going to be downers, no doubt about it.

    So, what did you think about the movie?

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Hey, WA!

    I heard on NPR that the last of the books in the series is out on Saturday.
    On a housesitting job this week I viewed, for the first time, four of the movies. The fourth [re: the Tri-something Wizards' Competition], which I viewed first, made no sense till I went back to see how it all began.
    Previous to this, I knew absolutely nothing about Harry, but have found him, Ron and Hermione enchanting. And Maggie Smith? Any film she graces is worth my time.

    Is there more?


    Edited to add: I have just read Capt. Schmideo's post and now understand - a new movie! I likewise had great difficulty following the kids' dialogue. And I was bummed when Cedric was killed in the competition. I don't know if that was in the book, but it just went down badly.

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    I've read all the books up to now, awaiting the last one which will be out next saturday, already have my pre order, I haven't seen the latest movie, yet, will go tomorrow night.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    I Loved the movie. I thought they did a great job of condensing 700 pages of info into a 2 1/2 hour flick. The girl who played luna was fabulous. I can not wait for the book to come out next week.

  • lrkr

    I bought my kid his first Harry Potter book the other night. The whole cashier section of Barnes and Noble basically cheered me. Congratulations! they kept saying to my son. We'll read the first one together- as it is a little north of his skill set just yet.

  • cruzanheart

    It was freakin' AWESOME!!!! Chris and I are bigger Harry Potter fans than the kids and we scoured the Internet for all of the advance clips we could find. And I entered a raffle and won 4 tickets to the advance screening on Monday night!

    I think this is the best movie yet. The director really "got it" about Harry's state of mind and actually did a better job of explaining his anger than the book did.

    And I will be front and center at the bookshop this coming Friday night to get our pre-reserved copies of Book 7. Don't nobody bother us this weekend -- we'll be reading.


  • misanthropic

    I went to see it on Saturday- missed a lot of it due to the packed theatre with all the noise and people getting up every 5 minutes. I loved what I did catch, but I need to see it again- after it's been out for awhile.
    On a side note: I just love Alan Rickman who played Severus Snape- good lord is he gorgeous even for being in his 60's- he is like a fine wine, better with age.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Definitely not for True Christians.

  • nvrgnbk

    I knew of a brother that was paralyzed by the demons while in the theater and had to sit through the whole thing.

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