How Are YOU Politically Incorrect??

by minimus 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • lonelysheep

    I won't write stuff here, Nvr! LOL I think I'd get along with some people who've posted here, though. I'm careful about who I speak honestly around. It's really only those who love true, objective observations, as I call 'em.

    Myself, not excluded. *Please do not read if your blood pressure elevates easily.

    Race - I'll call myself Casper because I'm so pale. Or, Gloworm for the same reason. I'm so light, I glow. Not a 'nice' thing to say because I'm "high yella" and it's so not PC, just like that term wasn't. Oh, and another one, I call myself a 'halfies'. This British girl who was on Road Rules years ago got me started on it (she's biracial, too). I'll say something like, "Ha, I was born before jungle fever was cool!"

    Height - I refer to myself as a midget (or lengthy-legged deficient when I gotta be PC) because I'm 5'3".

    Weight - On bad days, my name is no longer Lonelysheep, it's Fat Bastard.

    Terrorists - refraining due to posing GL #2.

    Religion/Dieties - I've always got something to say. No god or religion, nor cult is left out. I have people cracking up, though.

    Marriage -

    So, I take it back, Nvr!

  • MadTiger

    Voicing concern over Islamic men that "look like" terrorists on your airplane is considered a no-no. Personally, if someone "looked" threatening to me because they fit the stereotype of an Al Qada member, I don't think I should feel the need to apologize for my concern.

    Then it can get ridiculous. Observe:

  • AllAlongTheWatchtower

    Lol at lonelysheep, I've called myself Casper before, too; back when I worked construction and was the only white guy on a crew of Hispanics and blacks. I was sometimes also called 'The White Shadow' after that old character from the tv show about the basketball coach. I didn't start that one though, the guys on the crew did.

    I refuse the whole 'African American' concept as ridiculous, when I was in high school lots of kids wore those red black and green t-shirts, but ask them to name a country in Africa, and they just stared at you. I even had one tell me once "Africa IS a country". The same people who push 'African American', have no problem saying white...what about MY rights? Should everybody have to call me German-English-something else-mutt-American?

    I was actually thinking about this kind of stuff the other day, I have lots of random thoughts, and for some reason my random thought of the day was "Is it ok today to use the expression call a spade a spade"? On one level, it appears to simply say name something according to what it is, or, call it like you see it. On another level though, I am aware of a different expression, 'black as the ace of spades', and that spade was used at one time as a derogatory term for a black person. So...can you still say "call a spade a spade", or not? Is this expression racist of and by itself, or only guilty by association with other adages and expressions...or completely innocent?

  • MadTiger

    One thing that happens is this:

    People are given passes based on their past behavior, attitude, etc.

    I can say something borderline, and Rush Limbaugh can say something borderline. Guess who gets nailed?

    Rush's compassion, level of racism, etc. is constantly in question, so he would be under the gun.

    (If he didn't make thousands per day because of that very oafish manner, I imagine he might work on that!)

  • restrangled

    Dear Min,

    I usually shoot from the hip when I am angry, not taking anything else into account other than my anger about what I have just read or dealt with in the real world. (Politically correct) is a term I cannot stand.

    It gets me in to trouble, if not with anyone else, my own self later on.

    I have a temper that is not Politically correct....On the other hand I have gained great friends, including an attorney I nailed to the wall several years ago. We are now good friends and he would do anything for me. He was my boss at the time and now has admitted what I wrote about him made him rethink his entire life.

    I don't mean to be bad, but I have a mouth inherited from my mom and her mom. It doesn't go away....all politically incorrect.

    My grandmother was the first to wear pants in the North country,and was written up in the paper. She slammed the bankers, and got away with alot in her day and age.

    I guess the "fire" doesn't fall far from the tree.....

  • stillajwexelder

    When I go out to Lunch or Dinner with a whole "great crowd" of JWs. most of them order water or Coke etc. I ALWAYS order an alcoholic beverage -just on principle. I think that is politically incorrect.

  • animal

    Political correctness is just a slick way to trample on our freedom of speach. I see it this way... I control what offends me, so I choose to be offended or not no matter what someone says. That said, I say what I want. I am not a racist so I dont worry about saying the "wrong" thing there. I have gay neighbors, I ask them "How you fags doing?" all the time. They know me, I mean no harm. They were concerned that a Hells Angel had moved in when I first got here... hahaha.

    On this board, we have international people and opinions. I keep that in mind, not to be correct, but so as not to be ignorant.... not knowing what may be offensive. I expect the same from those outside the USA.

    In general, I give and take with humor in mind. It keeps me cool and calm.


  • RollerDave

    Yes, political 'correctness' IS anathema to free speech.

    I believe I once referred to it on this very board as 'oppressive speech codes that stifle free speech and do nothing in the service of truth' or words to that effect.

    If you can make certain things unthinkable, you can control thought. Does that sound like a certain b0rganization we all know and loathe?

    There truly is a certain segment of the populace that is perpetually and professionally offended. A thriving trade in moral outrage exists with the currency being guilt and shame.

    The highest pinnacle of this culture is that Holy Grail of Victim Status. Once you are officially a Victim, you can do no wrong, so it is to be highly prized.

    The whole thing makes me sick and I refuse to participate. I'm a huge fat guy, but Taco Bell never tied me down and forced burritos down my throat with a broomstick. I'm in a chair, but don't go around suing everybody who has a bathroom I can't use. I'm not the brightest guy, but I don't go blaming the producers of the show 'Boobah' for my mental decline.

    No black person alive today has ever been a slave, and no white person alive today ever owned a slave, so get over it.

    That is, of course, except in parts of Africa where it still goes on to this day.

    It was started there by Muslims a thousand years before 'whitey' got involved when Sub-Saharan Africans were intentionally not converted to Islam because then it would be unlawful to enslave them.

    But that's not a very politically correct fact to tell people.

    Good thing I don't care.

    Roller (of the 'poking a beehive with a stick' sheep class)

  • blondie

    I try to do the loving thing, to treat others as I would like to be treated. It gets me by every day. Words do matter because sometimes that is all we have. For example, on JWD, our words are sometimes all we have to give because we don't see each other IRL.


  • snowbird

    Roller Dave, you stated,

    No black person alive today has ever been a slave, and no white person alive today ever owned a slave, so get over it.

    If only, brother man, it were that simple.


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