I wonder how many lurkers there are??

by R.F. 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • R.F.

    I've noticed that there seem to be new ones starting to post daily. I've also noticed that a thread can be created, then have a couple hundred views within seems like minutes. I'm not sure how many registered posters may just view a topic and move on without posting, or even if non-registered viewers are even counted on the view count, but I sure HOPE there are many lurkers and that some will join the fold soon.


  • nvrgnbk

    Were you a lurker R.F.?

    I was.

    You do the math. Why do you think the WT is dedicating so much to crush independent thinking?

    They are losing their grip.

  • R.F.

    Yea I was a lurker. I know there is no way to know but I just wonder as to the quantity of lurkers here on JWD. I think it's great to realize there are many unhappy JWs out there that want to break free but can't for one reason or another.

  • Highlander

    I originally lurked at this site during it's early years, around 2001.

    later in 05 I returned and signed up as a member.

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    I lurked here for a little over a year. I had a horrible couple of days, and signed up, and posted. Thus my name.

    I think that with so much to lose, if you are found out, before you are ready, that any normal person, would lurk, see what kind of a place this is, look around, see if it may be a good fit, and if you could trust the manufacturer.

    Something else, that I have noticed, that several posters have been registered for years, and have less than 100 posts, and are posting. It's like they are quiet and watching, but when something grabs their attention, they post once, and go back to looking.

    By the time I finally posted myself, I felt like I knew several on the board.

    One more thing, when you actually sign up, and get a name, you feel more at home. You can put your feet up on the couch, and spend more time here.

  • TheListener

    I don't know the statistics but I lurked for a long time before posting. Since new posters show up regularly I suspect many are lurking.

    If you're afraid to post. We understand.

    If you're lurking - please post. Keep whatever information you choose confidential.

    It feels good to finally share in the communal feeling this board can have.

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear R.F.,

    I was a lurker for about a year before I felt brave enough to make my first post. I was so scared somehow I would be found out. But here I am..and nothing earth shattering has ever happened because of it. It has been a wonderful way to journal my feelings, but with feedback and confirmation and validation of those feelings. For me it has been, and still is very theraputic. I too hope others are helped by this forum and gain the needed courage to join in. For all those lurking, I promise, posting greatly helps speed up the healing process.


    Lady Liberty

  • nvrgnbk
    For all those lurking, I promise, posting greatly helps speed up the healing process.

    So true Lady Liberty!

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    bttt It being a holiday, more lurkers may be looking and just needing a little nudge. Just tell everybody HL sent you. (I really need to change my name)

  • snowbird


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