Taking a Mental Vacation

by choosing life 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    Last evening, as I rested my body and mind while watching the sun set, I realized how important it is to take time for mental relaxation. Just to calm the mind and quiet all the constant noise that runs through my mind.

    I have to keep reminding myself though, because it is so easy to fall back into the pattern of constantly thinking, planning and deciding. I need to take time to just be still because I see a difference in my physical and mental health when I do.

    I was so used to cramming as much as I could into each day for 30 years as a requirement for some future reward. Now I know the future is not mine to worry about and never really was. I do have the daily moments to enjoy, however.

    What do you do to relax and turn off the noise?

  • snowbird

    I suffered a breakdown in 2005 due to my constant going and coming. I was working, taking care of my semi-invalid mother, and trying to get to all those meetings. After I recovered, I said no to everything that wasn't essential.

    I get up an hour earlier so there will be no need to rush. I take the back road to work so as to avoid rush hour traffic. When I get home, I refuse to answer the phone for the first two hours. I work in my little garden, walk laps in my backyard, or visit quietly with my grandkids. At night, I meditate on the Holy Scriptures, especially our Lord's words that He will never leave us. This has helped me tremendously.


  • nvrgnbk

    Listening quietly to what nature is telling us is a source of great peace.

    When I look at and listen to nature, I'm reminded that all that is living will die.

    It doesn't sadden me, for from death comes new life.

    And on and on and on and on..............

  • choosing life
    choosing life


    I had a doctor ask me once if I rushed around a lot. I was having physical illness that was influenced by stress. I said no, but then got to thinking about how I really was rushing from one thing to another constantly. I was raising children, working part time and pioneering all at once. Now that I think about it, I can't believe I was so unkind to myself.

    My husband will not answer the phone when he is taking time off. He says anything important and they will leave a message. Good idea, really.

    I like your routine. It sounds relaxing with the backroads and the garden, etc. I spend a lot of time just in my backyard. It is like a park as we have lived here 20 years and have planted so many beautiful trees, shrubs and flowers to watch grow and bloom. It is my sanctuary.

  • snarf

    Nothing sooths to me like a good cup of coffee in the morning while the kids are still sleeping, sitting next to my new fish pond and waterfall that hubby and I built just for this purpose.

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    Sounds lovely Snarf. That's something I have been thinking about adding to the backyard; the sound of running water is so soothing. Sounds like your a morning person. I have to enjoy the evening because my mornings are taken over with arthritis.

    I actually feel cheated when I don't get to enjoy the end of the day and the sunset.

  • SPAZnik

    Lovely post choosinglife.

    I recently read a commentary on the era of change we now live in and the drastically increased speed of change in our technologically expedient/complex culture and the ways in which this recent trend impacts the mind, physiology and psyche. As you suggest, consciously giving the mind a break is a wonderful antidote, allowing time to process, purge, adapt and evolve. :)

    I must admit I've learned (the hard way) that it's only a matter of time before a body perpetually subjected to a heightened state of adrenaline release will exhaust itself forcing you to slow down even against your will if you don't respect it's natural limitations.

    Personally, I sleep without alarm clock and as much as possible in harmony with natural light cycles, am practicing healthier breathing habits (CO2 is measurable thru capnotherapy) and carry a "pet rock" (named norm) to help myself humorously redirect focus from the flurry of excitable changes I love to subject myself to, onto something more earthy, slower evolving and dependable. :)

    I've also retired my tv for the most part and am reducing my living expenses along with the amount I work for money in favour of time and energy spent in more personally fulfilling endeavors, like improved familial relationships and art stuff. :)

    All in all, I find just being more aware of the dynamics of change and taking personal responsibility for how many alterations I allow into my field of experience at any one time has greatly improved my quality of life. :)

    Peace of mind! How exciting! It's a whole new world!

    Thanks for the great topic choosinglife!

  • bikerchic

    What do you do to relax and turn off the noise?

    Turn off all noise makers shut the door and meditate. Very relaxing and freeing. Very addictive too!

  • delilah

    I light some incense, turn on some Celtic music, and sit down with a cup of flavored coffee, a glass of wine, or a nice glass of beer. Depending on the time of day....

  • jaguarbass

    Someone here sent me this link with this meditation download on it.


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