What the hell is WRONG with me?

by RollerDave 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • RollerDave

    In my younger days, I wasn't the guy I am now.

    destroyed as a person before I was five, childhood of brutality, teens of violence, settled down some in my twenties and tried to walk in the so-called 'truth' but they would not have it, It is safe to say I was never known as a hard worker or a go-to guy for anything but heavy-hitting or knee breaking.

    Reading what I've spilled into this forum, you will no doubt know I undertook a reformation of sorts when I finally hit bottom in my thirties, rebuilt from the ground up. Decided what was worth standing for, what was worth attaining to.

    So, fast-forward, here we are preparing for a big 4th of July blowout, it's a holiday we do, so we go overboard. We have an acre on the side of a bluff along the mississippi river, a screen porch looking up the hill at the deer and other WildPests.

    We turn the garage into a banquet hall, and the screen porch is just off the garage, so its pretty nice. Well, except that the people who built the screen porch must have worn their anal sphincter around their neck.

    The openings are framed in unpainted, untreated wood and that has moved some, and the sill of the openings is shimmed, but no trim in or out. Its a bug highway in and out of the screen porch! Why bother with screens?

    So, we have been totally re-doing the damn thing. Well, and as the immense fellow in a wheelchair, I have been directing while they do, in most cases.

    So, they are out belt sanding, and I can hear it, and it EATS AT ME! I just canNOT sit while others work!

    I was never like that before, but now I see I have turned into a 'hard worker!'

    I roll into my non-acessible kitchen and start washing dishes. My back hurting, me hands on fire, yet I'm frantically washing and drying dishes.

    I knew I would pay for it later in soreness, but I hunched over that sink anyway, I couldn't NOT work!

    Don't get me wrong, I like that I have improved as a person, but there was something, odd, something desperate about it that wierded me out.

    My head got light, my chest got tight, and I wondered brifly if I was going to be ok, but resolved that if I were going to croak rith there, I was damn well not leaving any dirty dishes!

    I could picture the funeral, my good-for-nothing family not believing that the fellow THEY knew actually worked himself to death, and I chuckled.

    I get those funny pictures sometimes.

    I think whats wrong with me is that I'm messed up, but maybe, just maybe, it's in a good way?

    Well, back to work.

    Roller (of the'I'm just saying is all' sheep class)

  • SPAZnik

    great story


    You even make soul-searching funny. It doesn't matter what you figure out is wrong with you today,by tomorrow it will be something different.

    I'm almost 50 (eeeeggggaaaadddddssss) and I can't believe that no matter what you figure out is wrong with you there is always something else you didn't think of. Nurture or nature and all that.

    I myself, can sit on my can for hours. Watching T.V.,movies ,reading or just here on the forum. However, when I hurt my back and couldn't get up and around it drove me nuts!

    With that said, watching others work, when you are not able to do as much, has got to be extremely frustrating. That frustration is probably what fueled you to wash dishes like a maniac knowing you would pay later.

    "A man's got to know his limitations." (who said that?). Anyway, acceptance of those limitations is not always easy as I'm sure you know.

    My philosophy is "Appreciate the simple things. Stop and smell the roses and be thankful for the positive things in your life."

  • juni

    You are what we call a HUMAN BEING Dave!

    I took a fall getting out of my daughter's pool this past week. I suffer from fibromyalgia and I get so damn tired of being so stiff and hardly able to walk on a lot of occassions. Having others make concessions for me. I use pool therapy to keep the joints limber.

    She always helps me out, but was in the house making popcorn for my granddaughter and me. So I'm on the ladder to get down and my knee gave out and I fell and twisted my ankle and knee. Thought I had broke the ankle. I just sat there until the pain was better and then she helped me up.

    I can appreciate what you're saying. It is so FRUSTRATING! We have to accept others' kindness Dave and let go of the negative thoughts. Just wanted you to know that I understand.


    Edited to say: Have a beautiful fireworks show tonight. That is gorgeous country up there by you on the Mississippi River.

  • RollerDave

    Thanks guys!

    One thing I held over in my reformation was the sense of humor, If you can't laugh at yourself, how will you keep from breaking when bent?

    Yeah, you are right, figure one out, another takes its place... lol, I say keep em coming because the alternative is assuming room temp.

    It IS very frustrating at times, but I'm down ten lbs in two weeks, even if I DO still have physical limitations, it will HAVE to be easier with less useless bulk to haul around!

    Hey awake n watching, how about, 'never sweat the petty things, but always pet the sweaty things!'

    tee hee me so bad.



    Ooo La LA ! ! !

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    Roller Dave,

    It is frustrating to live with physical limitations. It is not just a physical thing. The mind is very much involved. You want to be helpful and useful and sometimes will work yourself into a physical mess.

    I have had a lot of physical limitations for the past 15 years and your my mind can never just totally accept them. I remember how I used to be and want to get back there so badly.

    You seem to cope pretty well, though. until one has been there, it is hard to understand.

  • nvrgnbk

    I've said it before.

    I'll say it again.

    You're a good man RollerDave.

  • candidlynuts

    dang, i can't get my wheelchair bound man to do dishes!!

    maybe you two should talk.. when he feels industrious he tells ME to do stuff LOL

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