Dateline predators will NOT be prosecuted

by candidlynuts 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • mkr32208
    "What dateline and the police did was entrapment, which is suppose to be against the law."

    Who the f**k cares?

    everyone should care. When the authorities start ignoring the laws EVERYONE is in danger. Are these perverts deserving of everything that they get UNDER THE LAW? Absolutely! But it must be done WITHIN THE LAW!

  • brinjen
    "What dateline and the police did was entrapment, which is suppose to be against the law."

    Who the f**k cares?
    everyone should care. When the authorities start ignoring the laws EVERYONE is in danger. Are these perverts deserving of everything that they get UNDER THE LAW? Absolutely! But it must be done WITHIN THE LAW!

    Exactly. Too many guilty people get their cases thrown out of court because of this sort of thing. What's the point in having them arrested if they just get let off?

  • smellsgood

    everyone should care. When the authorities start ignoring the laws EVERYONE is in danger. Are these perverts deserving of everything that they get UNDER THE LAW? Absolutely! But it must be done WITHIN THE LAW!

    Ok mkr I see your point. I just think that the law is so unbendy and so overwhelming in a way that doesn't allow for individual circumstances. I feel passionate about it as you might have noticed. Practically of course there's has to be oodles and oodles of procedures and rules to make sure everyone behaves. Ideally for me, it'd just be common sense to go after someone who would brutalize a child by ANY means necessary. Without having to worry about rights of other people in other circumstances being compromised. Wouldn't it be sweet.

  • smellsgood

    Exactly. Too many guilty people get their cases thrown out of court because of this sort of thing. What's the point in having them arrested if they just get let off?

    You can't be meticulous enough as a police officer for a good defense lawyer to find this or that technicallity can you? That just show's you how ridiculous and doddering the Justice System can get, I didn't get read my rights, so I don't have to spend any time in prison for that double homicide I committed.

    I was saying it more reactionary, not actually suggesting that course of action. I would like to stick my middle finger up to many of the bureaucratic nonfunctioning and nonproductive legalise bullsh*t.

    Technicalities Schmecknicalities. You do the crime, how can the Justice system JUSTIFY you not doing the time?

  • mkr32208

    Well unfortunately the laws that are put in place to protect OUR civil liberties are used to protect the civil liberties of those that we would just as soon didn't have any...

    It has also been postulated that the methods used on dateline are not only entrapment but are EXTREMELY dishonest and deceitful. Going online and claiming to be an adult role playing etc then when it goes to arrest and trial all of the sudden that was never said and it was always understood that the person chatting was a minor...

    I don't know I used to work on computers and I can tell you it is EASY for someone in the know to make a chat log or file say pretty much whatever the da says they want it to say... I would think the recent duke rape case would show clearly that many
    DA's are NOT interested in justice or bringing perverts and rapist in so much as power and getting their way. The fact is that people are pretty universally perverts. We just need to figure out some way to stop the perversion against children. One of the big draws is the taboo of it. How do you keep something wrong, wrong and illegal and yet not have the thrill of the taboo? Beats the hell out of me!

  • smellsgood

    I just hate child predators :(

  • misanthropic

    This doesn't surprise me. It's sad but true that child crimes in this country don't seem to be taken too seriously at all. In the article it says if it had been handled by professionals it would have worked out but that's laughable when it seems nothing's ever done to these kinds of criminals. I know of too many repeat abusers that have gotten nothing more than a slap on the hand and continue to walk free only to get caught over and over. It's horrible and it makes me sick.

  • lonelysheep
    lonelysheep idiots had hissy fits, making it ok to let out adults who intended to sexually touch children. Now, they'll get to for sure and likely not get caught. The bigger picture just doesn't matter to some people.

  • candidlynuts

    it is just shocking to me

    the predators in texas must be tickled to death

    if they get online again to meet teens they 1. they may talk to a real teen and get to molest.. 2. they may talk to dateline sting and the tv network makes money and they get let go..

    its a win/win situation for everyone but the kids online.

  • smellsgood

    I wouldn't use the word "taboo" to describe the "thrill" of soliciting a minor. I would describe it as evil. Taboo is more of a word to describe topics that are sensitive in a way that isn't complete depravity. Like it was taboo to talk about sex, now it isn't. Sexual abuse isn't sex, it's violence and violently evil. The only thing that a person shouldn't feel like they ought not to touch on the subject is the people who've been abused and need to seek help and justice.

    I disagree completely that people are universally perverts. None of my family or friends are perverts in the slightest degree. It's a choice.

    Taboo is a horrid word for child torture, usually taboo's are things that eventually are broken and we all breathe a sigh of a relief that we can finally practice the formerly "taboo" behaviour or talk about it. If taboo were a good word to describe it, that would mean that it was just an embarassing private thing to bring into the public. It's not embarrassing, it's vile.

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