Missing my siblings wedding

by NYCkid 18 Replies latest social family

  • NYCkid

    Just releasing some steam, but I'm going to be missing my siblings wedding this summer due to the fact I'm dfd. My sibling invited me but I can't justify the travel expense (across the country) to observe a 20 minute ceremony and then go to a motel alone while everyone is stuffing their faces.

    I just hits at the core of human relationships and is so divisive, but that is the point.

    After months of no communication, my mother calls me this week to remind me of what I'm missing out on. I explained that I regret missing the wedding but that I have no other regrets and that the WT shunning tactics are not working so she's going to have to make a decision on the future of our relationship. For me personally, I am more inclined to consider reinstatement when my family is kind and inclusive as they had been for a few years until they realized I wasn't coming back (just to remove the DF label, but not to become an active JW - don't worry, I have no intention of making myself miserable for a few months, only to have to lie through my teeth and kiss a lot of Elder ass just to get reinstated) . Needless to say, the conversation ended on a negative note especially after I pointed out about 20 minutes into our conversation that she didn't ask me anything about my life or what I've been up to the last few months, and was she at all interested. It's amazing to me.

    Anyway, I'm fantasizing about doing something to the World Headquarters of JWs across the bridge, but I am not going to articulate in writing...LOL I really don't need George W. to be wiretapping me or monitoring my email.

    Have a great district convention free summer!


  • zeroday
    Needless to say, the conversation ended on a negative note especially after I pointed out about 20 minutes into our conversation that she didn't ask me anything about my life or what I've been up to the last few months, and was she at all interested. It's amazing to me.

    BUT BUT BUT are these not the only "TRUE CHRISTIANS" that only demonstrate true Christian LOVE...

  • zeroday
    I really don't need George W. to be wiretapping me or monitoring my email.

    George W is the least of your worries. Worry about the people that tried to bomb London today coming here....

  • NYCkid

    Thanks zeroday for the acknowledgement that the true Christians only exist in "sheeps" clothing or something like that.

    As for terrorism, it is very real for us who live in NYC believe me, probably more so for anywhere in the country, but even so, terrorism doesn't justify our President violating over 200 years of constitutional law under the guise of national security ...just a thought.


  • zeroday
    but even so, terrorism doesn't justify our President violating over 200 years of constitutional law under the guise of national security

    Constitutional law means nothing if you are DEAD. Ask the 3000 people killed on 9/11...

  • zeroday

    The last time I checked George W. Bush is not trying to explode a carbomb under anyone or trying to fly planes into highrise buildings but some how trying to PROTECT American LIVES is violating Constitutional LAW. NO WAIT we can't do that instead let us allow them to kill anyone they want as long as we have our CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS...

  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams


    Hang tough....there is going to be a lot of incidents like this.

    I have empathy on a lot of fronts.

    Yours is the better path.


  • zeroday

    Yours is the better path.

    Yea right as long as you or yours are not in the path of the next car bomb. In the mean time GW is trying to destroy the Constitution...

  • NYCkid


    I'm not sure how my personal JW dilemma got turned into a political discussion. I was just making an observation but it's clear you don't agree with me and that is fine, that is what makes this country great. However I'd prefer it if you'd email me privately if you'd like to continue a political discussion. Thanks

  • zeroday
    continue a political discussion

    YOU are the one that opened it up to a political discussion with GW reading your emails etc... Sorry about your situation but when the UNITED STATES become the BAD GUYS and the terrorist become the GOOD GUYS I have a problem with that...

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