red sky

by darth frosty 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty


    I woke up on the grass field.
    I must have time traveled to this distant land.
    I hear birds chirping, I feel the heavens moving and my god........
    Theres a fire in the sky.

    I can't tell if the sun is break night or if the night is engulfing the sun
    In this moment space is on the edge of Beauty.
    And this space is going to spill over into hell storm of comforting peace.

    I want to stay under the red sky because its the spice of nature.

    A calm wind blows softly.
    I feel........
    Nature's peace
    A calm release
    Drifiting slow and going inwardly

    To nature in all its beauty I say :
    I cry for you.
    I weep for you.
    I am nothing in the face of perfection.
    I am blessed to stand below red skys.


  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams



  • nvrgnbk

    Did you write that df?

    If so, nurture that talent. It's a touching poem.

    If not, thanks for sharing it.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    I cant claim this piece, I can only share.

  • poppers

    Hey darth, that was great. Thanks for posting it.

  • Gregor

    I think it's really bad poetry

  • nvrgnbk
    I think it's really bad poetry

    Oops. I take back what I said. I hate it df. Gregor says it's crap. LOL!

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    ah yes, we had a gorgeous red sky tonight here in mi didn't we?


  • poppers

    Red sky at night sailor's delight.

  • ex-nj-jw

    Beautiful - I remember when I was a little girl, little dubbie - a sky like that used to scare the hell out of me because I though the BIG A was coming!

    Stupid, I know - but now I can enjoy it for what it is - nature; beauty


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