district convention side effects...

by candidlynuts 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • candidlynuts

    yes its convention time again

    how do i know? my kids who've been warming up to me more, have all the sudden stopped taking my calls. cancelling plans with me because of " other plans"

    it really irks me that the vomit spewed in the name of god at the assemblies interfere with natural affection and healing.

    i'm in my early 40s, my kids range in ages from teens to 20s and i'm an evil influence on them because i'm an inactive jehovahs witness. so evil that the society uses it's power from the platform to demand its followers avoid inactive ones. protect yourself from them. put aside your own mother , put aside your own father, put aside your own children to keep the watchtower happy.

    i'm just a mother who gave children life and who had those children ripped away in the NAME OF JEHOVAH.

    if there IS a god, no offense to believers here but i find him unworthy of worship in any form. if there is a god i'd love the opportunity to say that to his face. i tried for many years to seperate my bitterness of the watchtower from god. i can no longer do that. if there is a god and i truly doubt his exsistence right now, if there is a god he's impotent and uncaring.

  • greendawn

    I can understand your bitterness but the JW god is not the true God. It was created by the FDS in order to promote his own interests his actions are the actions of the imperfect men that created this caricature of a god.

  • candidlynuts

    ty greendawn

    i told myself that for awhile but anymore i just am sick to death of god in any form.

    who does he think he is? ( HA ) just kiddin

  • ButtLight

    It really does suck doesnt it? Even though many of us did the same when we were in, the shunning alone should shake everyone out of the trance they are in! It just ticks me off so bad.........follow in Jesus footsteps they say? How many people did He shun? Isnt he sitting at the table eating and drinking with a prostitute?

  • candidlynuts

    yeah it sucks

    they dont follow jesus.. they follow " the christ" ie: governing body

  • middlechild

    i understand and agree with u on all points. both of my fleshly sisters (granted, they are not my children) have stopped associating with me because of the recent info. they've been fed on associating with inactive ones. there was a talk at my sister's hall where they were told to write down their top 5 friends. then they were to see what those friends could do for them spiritually. well my sister said that she just couldn't see how i could fit into her friends' list because i couldn't do anything to upbuild her spiritually. hello, ur my freakin sister and i've been there for u for every little thing u've gone through with backstabbing (witness) friends, a cheating husband, college woes...

    and my other sister, where do i start? let's just say i helped her get through her most tenuous time of trying to keep her newborn baby alive when it wouldn't eat, and stayed with her while she was recovering from back surgery, listened and didn't judge her with her stories of mate swapping...

    i'm with u on the whole god thing too. all the jw's did was teach me that if there is a god, he doesn't care/and even if he does he's not doing anything about it.

    sorry for the rant. i know it doesn't compare to losing children but i feel ya.

  • ex-nj-jw


    I also do not believe in god so I know what you mean! I am assuming that none of your children live with you??


  • candidlynuts

    no they live with superdub dad

    when a good jw wife leaves a 18 yr marriage she isnt able to financially support herself let alone kids.

    i think more countries ought to stand up like russia did and ban the jw's for the damage they do to families.

  • unique1


  • changeling

    I know just how you feel....

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