Wedding Anniversaries vs. Birthdays

by PopeOfEruke 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • PopeOfEruke

    Yes that 2 birthday Bible reasoning is totally flawed.

    Wasn't fat King Eglon on the toilet when some righteous person stabbed hhim the guts with a sword?

    How many good people in the bible are mentioned going to the potty?

    So according to the same principle, the Bible only mention wicked people going to the toilet, so obviously this means True Christians should never empty their bowels.


  • sparrow

    I'm having my first birthday party on the 5th of October this year! Even my invitations have the big heading:


    Let me know if anyone wants to come. It's in Sydney at the Ettamogah pub and should be a good bash. I have 33 to make up for!!!

    for I'm a jolly good fellow, for I'm a jolly good fellow...

  • Mysterious

    I honestly never even thought twice about it when I was a JW. Anniversaries were okay and birthdays were not that's just how it was.

  • greendawn

    It was just the whim of Rutherford basically who decreed that birthdays were wrong because the one's mentioned in the Bible had bad associations, a totally idiotic reasoning that the dubs stack to, no normal person associates birthdays with murder or Christmas with Saturn for that matter. I don't think they do it to create a sense of isolation in the young JWs from the rest of society. They have and use many other ways to achieve that usually successfully.

  • monophonic

    Is a birthday party really any more idolatry than what goes on at the Kingdumb Hell when the Circuit Overseer comes around?

    omg, perfect analogy!

  • TheListener


    King Saul was in a cave using the....ummmmm....privy while David was hiding behind him and had the opportunity to kill Saul - of course, being a good boy he didn't. Saul never even knew.

    As far as anniversaries and birthdays; I agree with all of you. It's an irritating and ridiculous distinction. The argument I've heard was:

    marriage is a god given sanctified arrangement so it is ok to honor the arrangement and not the people.

    My comeback is the same: Who gets the gifts? God or the the couple? 'nuff said

    Same with baby showers. The witnesses say, as did I at one point in my life, that it's a celebration of the miracle of life - I say: Who gets the gifts? God or the baby's parents?

  • Marcel

    its just the same and both anniversarys have pagan origins. while birthdays are wrong even without idolatry and pagan practices seem wedding anniversarys be ok even WITH idolatry and pagan practices.

    its just not right, but its hard to step off of it because everyone would laugh about it.
    the same with the blood doctrine (but worse).

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