August 15th Watchtower 2007: 1935 A GENTLE REMINDER

by AlphaOmega 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Hoping4Change

    After reflecting upon the actions of David, exactly what sins are 'unforgivable'? Or is it just that unrepentant sinners are unforgivable?

  • Gill

    How come being 'annointed' means that a person does NOT have more of God's spirit and does NOT expect special treatment.

    Surely, if a person is so 'special' to God, they would have these things. But NOT to the WTBTS, because that would mean that a load of human beings who have no penis might have some kind of say over how things are run in Crooklyn! Imagine if some women were to actually be more favoured by God than some men!!!

    How did we believe such total BS!!!????

    Did you believe all this baloney!?

    Excuse me while I go and paint my fence! You know, the only person I have to blame is myself for having ever been so blind and not opening my eyes. Less of this criticising the WT! They are a publishing company that are just good at getting away with false advertising! But how did we ever get so blind!?

  • Pistoff

    WT 1976:

    "39 Of course, these dedicated, baptized “other sheep” of the “great crowd” have not been begotten to be God’s spiritual sons, with a heavenly inheritance. They are not spiritual Israelites. They have not been taken into the new covenant with the opportunity to become God’s “kingdom of priests and a holy nation.” (Exodus 19:5, 6) They have never been sealed with God’s spirit as an advance token of their heavenly inheritance. They have not been anointed with God’s spirit as prospective joint heirs with Christ in his celestial kingdom. (Isaiah 61:1-3; 1 John 2:20, 27; 2 Corinthians 1:21, 22) But do they nonetheless have holy spirit on them?

    40 Overwhelmingly the facts answer Yes! Especially since 1935 C.E., the “great crowd” have worked with the spirit-begotten, anointed remnant. They have given convincing evidence that God’s holy spirit is operative upon them. A person on earth does not need to be begotten by God’s spirit in order to have His active force go into operation upon him. Look at the prophet Moses, at Judge Othniel, at Judge Gideon, at Judge Samson, at King David, at John the Baptizer. Yes, look at all the pre-Christian prophets upon whom Jehovah’s spirit came to inspire them to write the Bible books from Genesis to Malachi. Granted that no heavenly hope was set before such ancient persons, yet Jehovah God put his spirit upon them because they devoted themselves to him and lovingly offered themselves for his service. God enveloped them with his active force. He filled them with his holy spirit. It operated on them."

    The WT is again playing with language, trying to tell us that in-equal is equal, without coming out and saying so.
    They stated that the anointed do not have "more" holy spirit, when that is really not the germain question. The anointed experience with holy spirit is described in scripture as being "begotten" by holy spirit, that the "[holy] spirit bears witness with our spirit" that they are sons of God and brothers of Jesus. Look at the differences in description in the above paragraphs; the OS have never been sealed by HS, are not begotten by HS, not been anointed by HS BUT they have HS "on them".

    That is inherently UNEQUAL.

    A clever (?) writer can manipulate language all he wants; the language used speaks for itself.

    Like so many things WT, the assertion is contradictory to the obvious truth of the matter.

    In this case, there is NO biblical case for distinguishing the anointed from OS; it is an invention of the WT to explain the growth of the group beyond the original expectations in the early decades of the century. It was specious when they first used it; it still is, but they can't say so, and so must treat it in classic Orwellian fashion, by saying that they don't have more HS, never did.

    The current explanation, that the anointed have no more HS than the OS, is borne from the power struggle inside the WT; the old timer anointed are dying off at Bethel, and the GB members and writing staff do not want any "anointed" claimants to show up volunteering to help dispense spiritual food.

    It becomes so clear once a person can get perspective.

  • zack

    These guys say "I don't know" more than Alberto Gonzalez. They are truely shamelss.

    Trust us! Submit to us! Send us your money! But we don't know jack and don't have any more of God's spirit than you do.

    And I fell for this! Geez.

  • Numinous

    The number of annointed not going down year after year posed a problem for me after 20 years of waiting for it to happen. The year 1935 and the sudden discovery of a great crowd not annointed also seemed contrived. As time goes on, the organization hopes those who knew what the doctrines were years ago will die off and the new recruits won't know any difference.

  • Ingenuous

    Jephthah said "whatever [not 'whoever'] comes out of the door of my house to meet me... I will sacrifice it [not 'him/her'] as a burnt offering." (Judges 11:31)

    If the family pet had come running out the door, how would he have devoted it "to the exclusive service of God?"

  • Marcel

    the unforgivable sind makes sense for me now.
    its not meant to be a never ever unforgivable sin even if you crawl in your own slobber begging for forgiveness.
    its only unforgivable as long as you dont repent. its just so easy. willfully unrepentant sins are the unforgivable sin, humans can turn this into a forgivable sin as long as they want.

    thats the only view that makes sense.

    sorry for being too slow to understand that lol :) in my JW life i always wondered about that.

  • greendawn

    Truly anointed ones do not have more spirit? So what is the point of calling them anointed and considering them separate from the non anointed? To be anointed means precisely to have a generous portion of the Spirit poured out over you.

    But the false belief is easy to explain: if the anointed have no more spirit than the rest of the dubs they can not claim any special function in the org and threaten the power monopoly enjoyed by the GB. It's an article of faith to them that all authority must be theirs.

    That how irrational, audacious and arbitrary the GB can get when its vital interests are threatened.

  • dontomas

    Your comment - "don't know when or how to stop" - pretty much says it all. Trying deperately to keep it all together at all costs an hectoring the sheep.

  • dedpoet

    When I was a jw, 1935 was definitely the year when the gathering
    of the anointed ended, apart from replacements. Now, 72 years
    later, they "don't know".

    It's a wonder that these charlatans still have any followers at all

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