Finally getting shunned...

by bluesbreaker59 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • chappy

    Although I was careful not to be blatently open about it, I never shunned anyone. It really made me uncomfortable to just ignore someone I'd known all my life. I can't understand how someone can just turn their feelings off and on like that. One day you won't even speak with a person and the next day you've got your arm around them asking them to come over for dinner the next day.


  • greendawn

    These are not people worth worrying about there are plenty of nice people in the non JW world to associate with and the JWs will soon be a thing of the past. The main thing is to develop a new support network.

  • Gill

    Being 'shunned' before leaving the WT was the thing I feared more than death.

    Now I find it very funny when it happens and I really enjoy it! Sick sense of humour, maybe, but the bad reflection is on them for their very bad behaviour and certainly not on me for simply not attending sales meetings at the KH anymore!

    Enjoy it! And always smile and wave at them! I love seeing JWs cringe and not know which way to go or what to do!

  • Mysterious

    It's the hand to the side of the face turn that always got me. I think the most freeing thing for me was realizing that I make them uncomfortable more than they make me. I have other non-jws now..there isn't anything they can really do to me.

  • SnakesInTheTower

    Let me just make a comparison between JW and ACN (a MLM phone company a lot of JWs are in).

    The service overseer in one congo, a regular pioneer, is heavy duty into ACN. There was a young brother, used to be MS, pio...but over time went inactive. He and his wife were having financial difficulties. The service overseer hears about this and offers to "help" them. You guessed it, offered him a "job" with his "company". Job involved coughing up $500 entrance fee, then selling phone service recruiting more members suckers. As long as he was involved in ACN, this elder was doing all the spiritual things he should, shepherding calls, encouragement to go in ministry, taking the young brother golfing, dinner just talking about anything, taking a real pesonal interest in his wife and child....BUT AS SOON AS THIS YOUNG BROTHER QUIT ACN, THE SERVICE OVERSEER QUIT HIM! So much for real personal interest by a spiritual shepherd.

    Now, the young brother is inactive, separated from his wife..and sells CELL PHONES for another company (a real job for a real company, NOT MLM). Hmm..where is the love now? This elder has done this with alot of friends..... did this to the unbelieving mate of an unbaptized publisher...same ACN... no elder.....almost sent the unbaptized publisher out......but she hung around, I think got baptized.....sighhhh....

    Funny how JWs and MLM recruiters are the same....

    SnakesInTheTower (of the "not puttin up with the hypocrisy" Sheep Class) know who you tricky bugger.

  • flipper

    Hey Bluesbuddy- Hang in there. There are a lot of people who care about you on this board. You are among friends. Many of us have experienced this kind of rejection. You are a valuable person in your own right and never let the shunning witnesses make you who you are. It just shows they are cultlike and blind. Just keep a smile on your face and they will see you are better off anyway. Stay positive. The sun will keep rising each morning, believe me. Peace to you, Mr. Flipper

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