Funny, he >>LOOKS<< intelligent

by Nathan Natas 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Effervescent

    Oh my!

    If I didn't know better I'd say he got drunk and passed out in front of some prankster friends of his. The fact that he did this to himself on purpose is scary!!!

  • UnConfused

    ...If my daughter brought home someone looking like that I just don't know what I would do.

    Can you imagine being a little baby in your crib and seeing that come over the edge and saying: "Bogga Bogga - Where's my little skin head? Who's a good nazi?"

  • RichieRich
    I have a nephew with sleeves and I find it hard to believe he won't regret it some day. He is pretty insecure.

    one thing to remember (yes, I'm defending my turf here) is that visible tattoos and insecurity / other societal flaws aren't mutually exclusive.

    One doesn't beget the other.

  • Terry

    Anybody ever read Ray Bradbury's THE ILLUSTRATED MAN?

  • Insomniac

    Richie- please don't get me wrong, man. I don't think ANY visible tats are a bad thing. If you've got something beautiful, share it with the world. It just makes sense to place them so you can cover them if needed, like when I go to visit my elderly great-aunt. She's a nun and lives in a convent with several other elderly nuns. These ladies are like an extension of my family, I love them, and I don't want to make them uncomfortable with tattoos, piercings, holy pentagrams, etc. so it all stays covered until I leave. The guy in the picture hasn't left himself that option. I don't think he represents the whole tattooed population, nor should he.

  • dedpoet

    That "skin head" tat with the swastika in the middle on his forehead
    should read "dick head".

  • valkyrie

    I don't think this fellow will have to worry about the girlfriend's parents, fitting in with society, or finding a job anytime soon:

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