What strange lifestyle choices have you seen copied in your congs????

by mtsgrad 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • UnConfused

    Boiled wool jackets - many of the sisters got them. I think they looked nice.

    Fit for Life diet

    Color me Beautiful (I think it was called that, the one where you were dubbed a season and only wore those colors)

  • thepackage

    Construction, there was always a brother you used becasue he was a witness, even though he did sorry work and charged more.

  • LongHairGal

    I heard about all of the above - especially home schooling in certain circles. I know of one instance where home schooling worked and I believe it was because either one or both parents were college educated. They came INTO the religion with a college education. They were both motivated and disciplined to follow through. Others were not so successful.

    It cannot be overstressed that the big problem with home schooling is that it is only as good as the parents' motivation. Otherwise, all you are producing is a semi-literate person who is even LESS able to compete in the world than somebody who went to public schools.

    Some of these "home schooled" children are just being cheated out of their education.


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