How does GB keep the control not sitting in the board of the Inc.?

by Ancientofdays 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • yaddayadda

    Control of the organisation is not really in the hands of a few men. It went way beyond that decades ago. The GB, the committees, the branches, DO's, CO's, elders, publishers, etc, etc, all cooperate together to create a huge, conceptual EMERGENT PROPERTY that is much bigger than all the constituent parts. This is the real thing that keeps the organisation ticking over. Quite exactly what this emergent property is I'm not too sure of but it has something to do with their belief they alone are 'the truth'.

  • minimus

    Too bad Judge Rutherford's not around, huh?

  • zack

    The lawyers represent the Corporations and their shareholders. Whatever loyalty they may have sworn or feel to the GB, their CLIENT is the Corporation. When the GB actually was in charge of the Corporation I suspect their was very little conflict of interest that could have arised for a lawyer. But I think that right now, the potential for conflict of interest will increase over time as the lawyers counsel as a matter of law against positions the GB may takes as matter of religion. Their is at least potential for a showdown. Perhaps we will leave to see another "Harvest Sifting"?

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