Why My Wife and I Have No Kids

by JT 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • gumby

    Hi james. Nice review of wt policy.
    I had two aunts that recently passed away of old age. Neither of them died with any children left behind. Yes ....they too were instructed not to have children. However this instuction came back in the 20's when the end was coming in 1925, predicted by the worlds best known alchoholic bastard..J. Rutherford.
    That was a little rude....but....it is a tradgedy my two aunts had no children,grandchildren,no photoes or memories to hold dear as do those with families.
    Thank God my mom and her other sisters did not heed the advise given back then or I would not be writing this story and she too would have died lonely.
    The witnesses have critisized the catholics forbidding priest to marry,yet they do the same with ones children wanting children.

  • Fredhall

    Hey All,

    There is nothing wrong having kids. However, I see many who were and not JW's that was never ready to have one. And now they are paying the price of having a child or children.

  • mommy

    I rememeber many couples who put off child bearing so they may pioneer. I had a very close friend of mine who a times would cry to me, because she wanted a child so bad, but was in fear of what would happen to her and the child when the end came. To this day, she still has no children.

    Now this is one thing that my parents did not follow to a tee they had eight children. But I will tell you, I often had nightmares as a child wondering how the heck my parents were going to keep track of all of us, when the end was here. Crazy mind blowing things a child should not have to think about.

    JT you and the Mrs. are still at an age where you can raise a child. Unless there are health concerns that are affecting this. It is another lifestyle though, that is for sure. You will have to start all over again with another routine. But it has been done by many people with good results. Children of older couples benefit greatly by their parents experiencing life. Much different than myself, I am still growing with my kids I had my daughter at 20 years old, and I thought at the time I was too young. But she would not be who she is today if I had her when I was older. Now my mind is more settled, and my views on alot of things has changed, so I am sure this child will have a somewhat different more rounded parent to start off their life.

    Of course being immature had it's benefitsLike the time I told her that trees were named cars and cars were tress! LOL she really thought that for about 2 weeks...ahh how silly and foolish I was, but it was kinda fun.
    wendy(wondering why I just told everyone that)

    Blind faith can justify anything.~Richard Dawkins

  • teejay

    I ain't worried about you, James. You and the misses are still young, and you guys have plenty of time to start a family. I was 41 when I had my first, so...

    Freddie, you are one cool cat. Like my baby sister (mother of two) says, just because someone CAN have kids doesn't mean they SHOULD. Every once in a while my kid sister says something I can't argue with. Thank god it doesn't happen very often!

  • Fredhall

    Hey Guys,

    If you want your wife to look and walk like penguins for couple of months then more power to you.

  • think41self

    Hi JT,

    I thought your post an excellent breakdown of HOW the borg is able to control even the most intimate details of someones life...without getting themselves in trouble by stating definitely :You Cannot Have Children", but the effect is the same.

    I am sorry you both had to endure that. I agree with what others have said...it's not too late if you both want to still have kids, it will just require checking with a doctor first for Mrs JT. But at this stage of life, you should also seriously consider how much it will change your life! Now don't say "DUH" and roll your eyes at me...I KNOW you've thought of that. Having kids is kind of like having sex for the first time. You can imagine what it will be like...you can talk to all your friends who've "done" it and get their opinions...you can read about it, watch it, etc... But it doesn't really prepare you for the reality of it. Some are extremely disappointed, some pleasantly surprised...you get the idea. Same with kids. I wouldn't take a million dollars for the ones I have, but I wouldn't GIVE a nickel for another one!

    Good luck to you and the Mrs, whatever you decide.


    "Not believing is not the same as not knowing."

  • Kay Francis
    Kay Francis

    Hi JT:

    I FEEL YOUR PAIN!!!!!!!!

    I've been lurking on this site for a loooong time, and finally decided to post because this topic is one that touches my very soul. You cited some excellent points, and I appreciate your research and comments.

    -- Fred Hall --

    I'm sure JT has had plenty of sex (ounchy) before, so, I don't think that not having sex has anything to do with him not having children.

    Kay Francis

    Ain't no thang but a chicken wang!!!!

  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum


    As you go through life as an insensitive little prick, have you ever considered that you are also an insignificant little prick?

    Thousands of JW couples have made a conscious decision NOT to have children based upon the whims of the WTS. So this is yet another example of contemptable meddling in peoples personal lives by the organization that you apparently cling to.

    Freddie, people like you must love exhortations like, "drink the kool-aid children" and "pour out the gasoline now".

  • LittleToe

    I imagine that most here remember the District Convention talk "Responsible childbearing in the time of the end" (1986?).
    It certainly influenced my decisions at a time when I was thinking of starting a family, since it laid a big guilt trip on everyone to keep loyally working with a view to the "end".
    Shame really, as I had huge paternal instincts and LOVE kids.

    Then came a climb down that wasn't nearly as voluble.


  • Tanalyst

    Them Wt. writers are truly gutless.They don't let you know who wrote the article like they did 80 - 100 years ago. Just another way to fool the cult, thinking the hand of God does it now.

    As children, we were programmed with that thinking - I guess they figured Bethel would have a larger pool to pick from.

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