What's the worst thing that happened but you still made it to the meeting?

by RULES & REGULATIONS 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    No matter if you are tired,sick,worked late,heavy snow,or any other reason,you were never to miss the meetings. I went to a 2 day Assembly with 4 teeth pulled the day before. My gums were bleeding all day but I still went to the Assembly .There was a brother who was in a bad car accident the week before with his daughter in a coma. He managed to give his talk at the same Assembly and left after his part to go back to the hospital. There was an Elder who's mother-in-law was buried in the morning. He made his wife attend the Book Study that same evening. What a moron!

    Where there any cases where some members should not have been at the meeting but still managed to attend?

  • lonelysheep

    I had a fight with my nonbelieving worldy husband about what who he was doing behind my back, felt like crap, and still went with bloodshot eyes because I thought he'd change if I kept strong in the truth. That only made me feel worse, though.

    There was a blizzard one weekend, and I still took my 20 month old daughter (just getting over a cold) out to the meeting. The kh was in the CITY I lived in at the time, where there is only street parking, and never close, yet you have to drive there if you don't want to get robbed. I was 9 months pregnant at the time, too. (Anyone know Irvington?)

    I was nursing my 2 week old son, yet still broke my sleep-feed cycle to attend the meeting. Baby slept and momma was beat, but made it to the meeting!

  • gymbob

    I got in a car accident on the way to the meeting once.

    It was a bit more than a fender-bender, but nobody went to the hospital. After the police report was taken, off I went to the hall in my banged-up van, trying not to be late...what a idiot I was.

    If i'd only known then what I know now....I could have milked that accident into months of missed meetings!

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    A few years ago I read in the Awake! about a family who was traveling to an assembly. On the way they stopped at a swimming hole, and their son drowned. Of course, they were saddened. They thought about not attending the assembly, but they went anyway. I believe they were late though.

  • Purza

    I once had a sewer pipe burst in my garage. I called the landlord, who called the plumber and then I asked a neighbor to be there to open my garage. Yep, I made it to the meeting on time and was even commended for it.


  • PEC

    I was hit by a bus and still made it to the meeting, not. Are you guys crazy? If I even thought about being sick I would skip. I think I missed more meetings than I made in my first 18 years. I would let the cat sleep with me; because, I would always wake up with a sore throat, that would be gone in a few hours.


  • Hortensia

    I was a sickly kid, stayed home from meetings as much as possible. As an adult, I resented people who went to the meetings sick, to prove how faithful they were, and at the same time infect everyone else.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    We were attending a two day assembly in St Louis , which is several hours away from our home . On the way to the assembly hall the first morning we had a car accident .Our car lost it's brakes and slid under a semi-tractor trailer ! We had our three small children with us. When the car finally stopped the trailer had broken through our windshield and my husband put his hand up on the side of the trailer in front of his face. We were not hurt physically . Relatives came to the hospital and picked us up and took us on to the assembly ! No one offered to just take us home .We were emotional wrecks the whole time dealing with the what if's....

  • Gregor

    Getting well oiled during the cocktail hour and then conducting the TM school an hour later.

  • nvrgnbk
    Getting well oiled during the cocktail hour and then conducting the TM school an hour later.

    I'm sorry I missed that Gregor.

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