Been in psychoanalysis/psychotherapy?

by michael downing 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    I've been to many a psychologist and therapist.

    9/10ths of them just collect a paycheck by trying to prescribe anti-depress pills.

    They don't give "help" or insights at all!

    The hour lasts 40 minutes and you really just end up paying the shmuck to listen to your whine.

    I had one keen therapist who made me realize something. If you want something different out of your life IT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN unless

    YOU are the one to make it different.

    Hope is bullshit.

    Try is bullshit.

    You just DO and it becomes real.

    Thanks, Yoda.

  • peggy

    Psychotherapy can be down right DANGEROUS!

    I saw my first therapist in June of 2001. I was deeply depressed and anxious. At the end of three years of therapy, I was deeply depressed, suicidal, anxious and had been sexually exploited by this so called expert.

    With the help of many good people, I filed a civil suit, a complaint with the Health department and found a female psychologist who helped me develope a keen sense of SELF!

    I settled my civil suit, the therapist lost his license and while I still have my issues, I am content and happy!

    Just this last week, I said goodbye to my therapist of two years. She was an outstanding professional that gave me the skills to make it on my own!!

  • garybuss

    I had a session with a counselor once. He thought if he ate a cracker and said a poem, his thoughts would go to the sky when he died. He thought there was something wrong with me because I didn't think that too.

    He said he thought I should read the Bible and give him a call when I finished it. I told him I already did and I thought he should read The Age Of Reason and he should give me a call when he finished that.

    Still waiting . . . .

  • Sunnygal41

    started with a worldly therapist in connection with my ex-husband's EAP program........looking back now, i understand that the comments she made during therapy were aimed at our extreme denial and subsequent extreme superficial/plastic therapy sessions............and, having been a true mind slave of my mom for many years, it was extra hard to break free...........began seeing a jw who was also a therapist who although a wonderful therapist, i was never able to translate my personality into staying in the "Truth"......the last therapist i saw was an Art Therapist, who helped me realize that i was okay just the way i am, and that it's all about the journey, not the destination.......right now, i am starting to wean off the anti-depressants i've been on for awhile, and remain open to my own healing process............



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