Paragraphs Please - Your Online Pet Peeves

by Mysterious 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • RollerDave

    I tend to agree with all of the above except an aversion to long posts.

    I give em a shot, and if it's engaging I read, if not there's always Mr "Back" Button right under my thumb on my fancy mouse.

    I've BEEN a Mac user, jgnat knows how it is, glad to be on a PC now.

    Homophones, egads. How about using the word 'loose' where one intends to say 'lose?' I HATE that!

    I sometimes wonder if people even know there is a difference between the two words.

    "Stand back, or I will loose an arrow and you will lose your life!"

    Wizard's right about the euphemisms, they ARE fun, and nobody would know like the master himself! I always enjoy a good wizard post, although I miss those inevitable links to six screens. I find myself using wizardisms in my day to day conversations. His posts always have that tinge of barely controlled fury at the craptower and its hounders.

    I do get a little peeved at folks who are 'brittle' and perpetually offended. If can deal with my mom calling me the 'evil slave', I think I can stand someone I don't know online merely disagreeing with me, how bout you?

    Oh, spelling tip? Google toolbar now has a spellchecker.

    Have fun and thanks for all your positive and intriguing posts!


  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    I agree but whether good or bad or improving the important issue is to communicate one's thoughts even if it means sending smoke signals.

    i ThNK Peopple should Be alLOWED TO PRActice their Ar=T.aND TOcommmunicCAte tHE BEAST wAY tHEY cAn.WEE arE ALL at DifferENT LEV

    ELS Of ACHeivement anD shud Be ENCOURAGEd tO spEAK OuR MINEDS aT all tiMES

    EdMoNd DaNtEs.

  • Hortensia

    you're - your

    there - they're - their

    him and I (egads!)

    lay - lie - put

    loose - lose

    However, when you point with one finger you have three fingers pointing back at yourself. I remember when I started a similar thread, but I accidently spelled grammar "grammer." Man, did I hear about that!!! So I try to cut folks some slack.

  • Poztate

    peple who juzt cant spel anythin rite. alod of themm use the excuze that english is theire secund languige butt remember gooogle is ur friend.

    I hav a toolbarr (google) that cheks spellin four me aftur im dun so icun post with confedance

  • Gregor

    Spelling and punctuation. We have a poster here whom I've enjoyed very much. His serialized experiences were very interesting. But he could not spell worth a damn (he would have written "dam"). It was very distracting and detracted from his story telling.

    I am not a HS graduate. When I post even a brief comment in which I choose to use words that I am unsure how to spell, I go to 'edit' - 'dictionary' and confirm the correct spelling. I seldom send a post without first proof reading it. I tend to be anal on the subjekt.

  • ninja

    my pet peeves are their hairs...I am allergic to cat and dog hairs......and them using my internet........grrrrr....bloody ......goldfish owner

  • misanthropic

    I'm not really anal about much but I must admit, "text talk" bugs me. If it's written like that I don't geberally bother to read it. As far as getting "their, they're & there" and words like that incorrect, I have to say I am a pro at that. I don't know why, But I almost always get those wrong. Probably because I type as I thnk and sometimes don't look it over before I hit the 'submit' button.

  • misanthropic

    And gee would you lookie there... all my grammatical erors. Case in point ;-)

  • betterdaze

    I was inculcated: Keep putting up with one another. Weren't we all?

    I AM a perfectionist. I get paid to cross all the T's and dot all the i's for a living while also called upon to be visually creative and make best use of evolving technology in the design world. I thrive on these challenges.

    I choose to look the other way here on JWD. Some of the most expressive and heartfelt posters are simply crappy typists with poor grammar. So what? I take it to heart when it says, "everyone welcome."

    Bottom line: It's the message that counts.


  • liquidsky

    I don't like long, rambling posts.

    I couldn't even finish reading WTWizards comments.

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