Netflix or blockbuster online

by 5go 38 Replies latest social entertainment

  • sammielee24
    I'm just finishing a 14 day free trial with Tesco

    Tesco is coming to the USA...starting up a few stores anyway..sammieswife.

  • sandy

    I had netflix cut canceled after blockbuster started their new program rent online or in store. They are a lot quicker. As soon as you return a movie to the store and take out a new one a new dvd seems to arrive in the mail so fast. It cuts out a day or two of mail time. BB has always been good w/ me about the late movie return procedure. I'm not sure if it's new but even if you past the seven day return policy you have 30 days to pay $1.25 late fee before they charge you for the movie.

  • 5go

    My first three are in the mail.

  • reneeisorym

    I use blockbuster but the more I rent, the slower it gets. I'll sometimes hold on to a movie for a week or two before returning it and then when I do, I get new ones immediately. But if I send in for new ones every day or every other day, it starts go get slow sometimes a week turnaround.

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    I got fed up with netflix.

    the movies would arrive fast enough, but the movies I wanted to see usually had a wait time on them, so therefore I had to put a whole bunch of movies that I only kinda wanted to see on my list, or they would have nothing to send me. So I got lots of movies that I just wasn't that interested in.

    But what really pissed me off was if the dvd was defective, there was no reimbursement or credit, you were just out. They claim that if a movie is defective, "send it back and we will rush you a new one". But how is that different form just watching the movie and sending it back? You would get a replacement no quicker then you would get a regular movie. And this happened fairly regularly.

  • 5go

    Ok I got my movies in all four ( I bought one )

    Talladega Nights ( bought ) good some scraches nothing that I can't fix played fine no problem.

    Idiocracy, skipped twice but worked otherwise.

    Stranger Than Fiction, like new good no problem.

    Superman Returns, same as Stranger Than Fiction.

  • brunnhilde

    I'm a huge Netflix fan - I send a movie back - they get it the next day and immediately send me a new one. I probably go through about 15-20 dvds a month. I detest Blockbuster for all the reasons that have already been listed plus the immediate onslaught to my email box as soon as they wangled my address out of me. Netflix has a huge library and you can even request they purchase movies if they haven't got them. I've had a few broken disks and they always sent a replacement out the same day I reported it. I've never had to wait for them to get it back before they would send out a new one. Same goes with movies that never showed up. I had one come a month after I reported it missing. Just sent it back and got a thank you.

  • 5go

    Ok I am getting my fifth ( fourth if you don't count the one I bought ) movie today with six and seven coming in tomorrow.

  • 5go

    Well I love netflix now

    Happy renting.

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