The Watchtower July 1 Questions From Readers - Each one decides for himself

by garybuss 23 Replies latest watchtower medical


    The WBT$ has always given every JW a choice!..Make the right choice..And..The WBT$ won`t destroy your life in the JW Cult...OUTLAW

  • steve2

    It really shouldn't be a problem each witness deciding for him- or herself whether to donate blood because the witnesses are allowed to decide for themselves whether to have Factor X, the blood component, which is derived from the blood of multiple donors. Talk about an outrageous double-standard!

  • Gill

    That's interesting, Gary!

    It seems that nothing has really changed then. Jehovah's Witnesses DO NOT accept blood transfusion because if they do they are NOT JWs.

    What is interesting is that each one must face the consequences of their decision before God. That could mean that either 'punishment' is lifted OR the Elders will dispense the same DA ing. They choose not to make that clear at all!

  • justhuman

    So my question is: How can they disfellowship someone for a conscious matter? I remember when I was facing the neutrality issue in my country, in some special meetings we had(only the brothers that had the military issue problem attend)we have been told by the elders of the Witchtower, that in the court we will say that it is our own Bible trained conscious that forbit us to go to the army...and I recall the elders that they strongly emphasised to us, that we should NOT say that this is Watchtower's policy, but our own personal decision.

    The leadership of this cult they are a banch of cowards...they never take responsibility of their actions, and they shift the blame to the poor witnesses...

    When I was disfellowshiped(I have even taped the judical commitee) they actually asked me what they will say in the announcement. So in order to avoid legal actions they changed the way that they are announcing disfellowshiped ones. They are saying that John Armstrong is no longer a JW...

    The same with the blood issue. If someone decides to have a lifesaving blood transfusion, by this action, the person automatically separates him/her self from the Watchtower. So they are saving their asses again, in case of legal action from the disfellowshiped person. They will say to the court that we didn't disfellowship him, he left JW's by his own...

    But the blood guilt of the GB it is huge. The lifes of thousands of people, are in their blood guilty hands...

  • James Free
    James Free

    The WT wanted legal recognition in a European country. This was refused because the government did not approve of the blood issue. So, the clever guys in Brooklyn hatched a plan - they told the government that they would not disfelloeship anyone for having a blood transfusion and that it was the choice of the individual.

    Sounds Okay, thought the government, and allowed the recognition.

    What the deceptive bast^&*s in Brooklyn failed to mention, was that, by their actions, those who had a transfusion would be DA themselves. The announcement, as always is that XX is no longer a JW. The consequence? Exactly the same as a disfellowshipping!

    Some might call this deception theocratic warfare. I call it lying.

    They do the actions of their Jesus put it to the Pharisees.

  • Gill

    Justhuman - I think what they are saying is that it is a 'conscience' matter only for non JWs, wheras like the Israelites, Jehovah's Witnesses would NEVER accept blood transfusions.

    More Watchtower Doublespeak aimed to cause confusion!

  • blondie

    I was not alive during the Rutherford era, but I did spend 24 years of my life under the Knorr--Fred Franz era. I even met Knorr a few times in a social settings. I never was sitting at the breakfast table when Knorr was at the table and chastising the Bethel "family" nor New Boy School after the Monday night "family" study of the WT. In comparison, it seems that Knorr might have been less controlling, but I think he just had a different approach, to see to give some more autonomy, less under the thumb. But remember that disfellowshipping in the sense we know had not been used until Knorr's era. Here was a quiet, but effective, way to control people without the cult of personality as in the previous 2 eras.

    "each one decides for himself"

    Said the spider to the fly...yes, you can choose, but must accept the consequences not from God but from people who say they represent God. That's what the WTS makes it all about, from the time of Satan, Adam, and Eve making their choices. Cain, the other people who lived before "the Flood," Nimrod, etc.

    But what choice do the minor children of non-jws today have. They are slated for "eternal death/destruction" "without a hope of a resurrection" based on the choice of their parents.



  • Gill

    Blondie - Don't you think it possible that they 'have to say' that people have a choice? With the world's interest every so often turned towards the Watchtower Policy on Blood as in the recent case of the sextuplets, they have to present a face that is 'fair'. In a way it is a 'theocratic warfare strategy' and that Question from Readers excerpt basically could be saying anything you might want it to say.

    Only those who have been in and know the Watchtower cult know what the Society is really saying and that is NO BLOOD TRANSFUSIONS FOR JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES AND THEIR INNOCENT CHILDREN!

  • blondie

    The WTS is two-faced on every issue, whether it be blood, child abuse, will only non-jws survive Armageddon..............

    When a child abuse case comes up in the jw congregation, the elders are told to first call

    Not Ghostbusters

    Not God

    Not the CO, DO, GB


    It's a legal CYA measure. What is "said" verbally does not count, and is attributed to the ravings of a jw caught up in an independent spirit not reflecting the "organization."

    Blondie (no "Christlike" or "godlike" love at all, just the WTS love of themselves and their continued existence)

  • zack

    The WTS has always been a master of deception. They use more spin than the politicians do. Of course "everyone decides for himself." What's new about that? Nothing. What the WTS will not tell the world is that if you "choose" for yourself to go against their policy then they df you, or lately simply say you DA'd yourself.

    If I stand or fall on my own before God, what do I need the WTS for? I actually asked an elder friend of mine that question a few days ago. He could not provide an honest answer. Actually, the corner the WTS paints itself into, if one takes their statement at face value, is one of obsolescence.

    Thanks Gary

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