Stillborn Topics

by compound complex 19 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Stillborn adj. 1: dead at birth 2: failing from the start

    Have any of your threads 'failed from the start'?

    Do you know why?

    Does any good come from a thread that APPEARS unread?

    Thank you.


  • AllAlongTheWatchtower

    Oh yeah, just recently I posted a miserable flop of a topic, about a possible connection between Jews and Japanese people; "lost tribes of Israel" type stuff. 0 replies.

    "Do you know why?" I'm guessing cause 1) The subject matter sucked, and was rather esoteric. 2) I post in the wee hours of the morning US time, when most UK folks are just grabbing their first cup of coffee, if they're awake at all, and 3) I'm not a particularly well known person here, sorta on the fringes.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Greetings, AATW -

    And a very good morning to you, with or without the coffee! Maybe it IS the hour or the esoteric nature of the topic that kills it. I read a book by Amy Tan that I really loved - SAVING FISH FROM DROWNING - and wrote a pretty good review, so I thought. One comment, maybe two. Oh well!

    I'm going to see if I can find your old topic. Sometimes I have overlooked a thread and wondered, "How could I have missed this? It's great!"

    Keep posting, Allalong - it gets better and you'll become known. I remember you. And one fellow-poster said that the lurkers DO benefit, some of them forced out of hiding by a thread that stirs them.

    Thanks for your reply.


  • blondie

    Except for my review, I have had this happen..

    1) Sometimes the topic is too vague; people don't want to take the time to click

    2) Sometimes you cover the whole topic in your first post.

    3) Not posting an URL to refer to

    4) You may have been unofficially banned by the posters of JWD who find you obnoxious

    5) It is an art to be interesting but not offensive, provocative without being obnoxious.

    6) Don't be shy about helping out a poster in need.


  • nvrgnbk
    3) I'm not a particularly well known person here, sorta on the fringes.

    Never think that brother. I'm still new here myself. I get your paranoia. But remember, it will destroya.

    I think this is the real culprit:

    2) I post in the wee hours of the morning US time, when most UK folks are just grabbing their first cup of coffee, if they're awake at all

    Chin up AATW! Your posts are important to JWD. Never underestimate what you give with love.

    I love your posts as well coco!

  • jgnat

    Being well-known won't always help. I've had lots flop on me. Like blondie says, sometimes your own post is so thorough, people read and agree but don't post. I know this happens to Lady Lee a lot.

    There's also an ebb and flow on the board. Sometimes it's in the mood for frivolity, other times, to swarm a JW apologist. One never knows.

    I try now to ask a question and invite participation.

  • jgnat

    Oh, by the way, a trick I learned from the news business. A good hook helps. When I post a news header as it appears in the paper, I get greater response. Those news guys have lots of experience in grabbing people and reeling them in. I haven't figured out yet what their magic formula is, but it works!

  • DJK

    New topics are hit or miss. What is interesting to some, isnt for others. Some may be too long when I dont have time and some are too religous for me. There have been some topics where my thoughts just weren't with it yet, and it would be days before I post.

    You may have been unofficially banned by the posters of JWD who find you obnoxious

    I dont find you obnoious so I haven't banned you. Those I have considered obnoxious were removed from the board. Often I see a topic end after I posted and I wonder if I have been banned.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo
    I post in the wee hours of the morning US time, when most UK folks are just grabbing their first cup of coffee, if they're awake at all,

    Odd AAWT - us Brits usually think it's the opposite - we post when you folks are tucked up in bed!! Saturdays are totally dead until mid evening - that would be mid-morning to early afternoon stateside.

    I don't do many threads - other than vigil threads, most have been seeking support and advice and have received an abundance of replies. I did post a YouTube link a week or so ago which got about 50 views but no replies - I hope they watched the video anyway as it was good.

    I think people avoid my miserable username too!

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you, Friends, for the insight and helpful hints.

    If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.

    If you're an optimist!


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