Women and Men....Can they be 'just good friends'........

by fifi40 100 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sirona


    Excellent post!

    I agree that most men are useless. Some are fantastic.

    Some just fool you into thinking they are fantastic when they actually think with their dicks.


  • Crumpet

    Terry you are so rejecting of your gender!

    Fifi - I prefer salt and vinegar...if you ever want to change the plato -status!

    I dont think Crumpet and I could be "just good friends"

    We get along much too well for "just good friends" - we're awesome friends

    LRG - I miss you so much! You are an awesome friend - what you did for purps totally choked me up you know!

    editted to add this is how lovely LRG is:

  • littlerockguy

    25% of men are deep and robust thinkers, wonderers, inventors and geniuses whose grasp of sanity is firm and whose passion for art and exploration are breath-taking. They are lightning in a bottle. Rare....so very, very rare!

    I'd like to think Im in that 25% LOL!!



  • Paralipomenon

    With a few exceptions, women are smaller beings than men....generally. Men have the capacity for reason and guidance and have been hardwired with the basic instinct to care and provide for his family that leave women far behind. Women have to develop a hunger for order which extends beyond the appetites.

    Women are weak, both mentally and physically.

    They are ruled by their emotions like reason has packed up and left town.

    Women love to be treated like something special and demand it.

    Women are always right. If you disagree with a woman you can't just have a difference of opinion, they will pick and complain until you give in out of exasperation.

    Women are petty, not true friends. They would willing stab their best friend in the back over a small disagreement.

    Women can't communicate their feelings. The expect men and women alike to be able to read their minds and if someone fails to be psychic then they are to become an object of persecution.

    Women love gossip, they are like little dogs running around the table waiting for a juicy morsel to fall.

    Women use sex as a weapon, they use it to extort gifts or money from the men they are supposed to love.

    Women can't keep a secret. Your deepest confessions to your mate are known to all her friends. They cannot be trusted.

    Women can't let go sexually. Women can't just enjoy sex and some are so mentally wound up that they haven't ever and will never have an orgasm.

    Women are manipulators. The men in their lives are just templates and a marriage is a building contract. The goal is to turn whatever man they are with into their ideal without regard for himself.

    25% of women are balanced individuals that think of themselves as equals to men, not superior or inferior. The are confident, considerate and loving. Rare....so very, very rare!

    The rest can bloody rot.

  • Paralipomenon

    When you only look at the negatives, it's easy to paint a generalization.

    Men and Women are equal. Any thoughts to the contrary and you are part of a problem, not a solution.

  • proplog2

    Anyone who thinks men and women can't just be friends haven't reached 40 years of marriage yet.

    And what about siblings. Brothers and Sisters can be very close friends without a thought of sex.

    Friends are usually people who share a lot of common interests. Sex needs some strangeness to develop some heat.

    There are common reports of close friends of the opposite sex trying out intimacy and finding out it just felt too weird.

    I have women friends that I would never go to bed with. I think I could even spoon with them and not get aroused.

  • misanthropic
    Anyone who thinks men and women can't just be friends haven't reached 40 years of marriage yet.

    And what about siblings. Brothers and Sisters can be very close friends without a thought of sex.

    I wonder if maybe that has something to do with it. Maybe the people who feel it's not possible don't have sisters/brothers they grew up with.. My older brother was my 'buddy' growing up, maybe that has something to do with why I get along better now with men than women. I don't know just a thought that occured to me.

  • DJK
    I'm gettin together with some of the guys for beer


    Count me in and I warn you, you have some catching up to do on the beer drinking.

  • fifi40

    I'd not thought of that Misanthropic.................I have 3 brothers and a sister..........hmmmmmm

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    BB, where are you meeting the guys for beer?? And can I crash the party??

    Well hell, cool guy - of course you can come!! Think you can make it up here for Friday afternoon?? I'll let Frank75 know to throw an extra steak on the bbq, and put a few extra beers in the fridge!

    Count me in and I warn you, you have some catching up to do on the beer drinking.

    Well, allright DJK! The more the merrier~although we'll see about the catching up part!


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