If You're Thinking About Getting Out, Be Careful Who You Confide Doubts To

by minimus 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    No mini I'm not allways right. EXCEPT WHEN I'M TALKING TO A JW. then I'M ALLWAYS RIGHT!!!!!!!! you know how confident jw's are in field service.. or do you? it's taken me many years argueing with the best wt assholes jw's could find to shoot me down. and long before i came on this JWD SITE i lost many arguements with jw's. I honed my skills the hard way long before I even knew how to work a computer. I sat in KH LIBRARYS, public libraries for months on end. reading any old wt shit i could find. to enhance my arguements with elders that taught me the end was coming in 1975. and I learned much more about wt history, than any jw i ever met had any idea about. You keep talking about THERAPY, like to say what? i'm some jerk. or mentally un balanced?. that's right i confront jw's in the street work. and in the last 10 year i win 99% of the time . and i leave them BEFUDDLED. while you have been asking 22,000 stupid questions on this board. I'm sure I have talked to at least 22,000 or more jw's in the streets. you ministry is limited to jwd. my seed planting goes straight into the streets. I am an ARTIST , I KNOW HOW TO BREAK A JW'S CONFENDENCE ANY JW. ONCE YOU BREAK THEIR CONFENDENCE in what they have been taught from the wt. you have won. the seed has been planted. ask SK SKALLY and others here, i used to give free lessons "live" how to shut up any jw. but your not of that fold. your just some x elder who got his best education from the wt elder school. i'm not empressed. I've made dopes out of a lot smarted jw's than you. your just an elder or leader on this board in your own mind, just like any dumbfounded jw I meet on the street that think they know it all. THERAPHY MY ASS. john

  • minimus

    Johnny, since you're sooooo successful, how many JWs have you helped out of the Organization? You say you "win 99% of the time". But win the argument? So what? Anyone can say they won an argument. But how many JWs did you help come out?? You've spoken to at least "22,000" JWs on the street! How many thousands are no longer JWs because of you and your bombastic style? Got an actual number?? I didn't think so.....

    You're an artist alright, perhaps more of a con-artist than anything else, John. You leave them "BEFUDDLED". I bet you do. They probably say to themselves, "HERE'S JOHNNY!!! TIME TO GET OUTA HERE!".....not because you're an "artist" but because you probably come off as a nutcase. It sounds like you're a legend in your own mind. But maybe believing that you are well schooled in giving others "lessons" is good for you to believe. After all, you probably don't have much else in your life going for you other than believing that you're a gifted "master baiter" of Jehovah's Witnesses. Really, why should anyone take this delusion away from you? If it's what keeps you going, then maybe this will be your legacy, a "gifted master-baiter".

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    Minimus; you talk a lot of bull$hit . who the hell did you help out of the wt? same number that i can prove 0. how you doing with your jw mom? lying to her just to talk to her? some man of convection? I play no games with my 73year old dad. I'm no crybaby apostate i lay it all on the table . I went to jail for simply standing up to my jw dad's religion,while i was invited over for dinner. like i asked to go to jail? NO I'M NO PUSSY DAD WANTED TO CALL THE POLICE ON ME BECAUSE I STANDED UP TO HIS CRAP. AGAIN I'M NOT LIKE YOU. I GOT BALLS. AND GOT OUT ON RELIGOUS FREEDOM. I DIDN'T RUN OUT OF THE HOUSE FOR SAFETY. I WAITED FOR THE COPS. I HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE. laST month i caught my dad wt preaching at the train station. I parked my car and got out with my bible and standed next to him. and told every one of hundreds of passerbyers. the wt is a false religion. he called to cops again. and i just standed there reading the gospel. HE cryed to the police , but it didn't work. i turned the tables on him. why because I have balls. the cops left saying i have the same right to preach on the corner that he does. in fact the cops were laughing at him. WHY DID I DO THIS JUST TO PROVE A POINT. that jw's can't just call the police and their are the only ones that can preach... but a crybaby like you MINIMUS WOULD NEVER UNDERSTAND HOW TO STAND UP TO HARD NOSE JW FAMILY and put them in there place. BECAUSE YOU HAVE NO BALLS AND ARE A WISHY-WASHY APOSTATE, THATS WHY YOUR LOCAL ELDERS AND JW SHIT ALL OVER YOU... you have no balls and you are just what the wts wants. shit-ass x elder that are scared of ther own shadow. AND HIDE ON JWD like they are some big shits.,.. john

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    This photo brought to you by peace & quiet. I'll be peace. Who wants to be quiet?

    (OK, resume ranting.)

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    I PM"Ed MINImus and I will see what kind of an apostate he really is? is he for real or just and other PHONEY? WE WILL SEE MINIMUS' REAL ChARACTER? is he for real or just another bullcrap scared of his own wt shadow x 5th grade schooled wt elder. I'll bet now he dosen't have the nerve to take me up. and if he doesn't i will not let his ass live it down. I EXPOSE PHONEYS. THAT'S WHY I'M THE WT EXPOSER. JOHN PS mINIMUS the only way you will win with me. is calling me on the phone . and proving your self to me. not to the board. because i think your a crybaby x elder, based on your no HONEST RESPONCES to me to show your mettle. just like any head in his hands jw i 've run into .your no different. you just run a good line of shit while your at work screwing your employer out of TIME ( sounds familiar). I had a feeling a few years back reading yout posts your just a wacked out x jw that never had any sense. other posters here told me years ago your a nut job. but I never listened. I figured your posts helped many. but i've come to see your nothing more than some controling jackass local elder. your shit may fly with your fading wt flock here . but I finished 5 grade 40 years ago. your logic makes me laugh. just like some asshole elder telling me the end was comingh in 1975. I laughed at them then and I laugh at you now now . your no different take that to the bank. minimus let me know when you want to get down to calling some kingdum halls . i really want to see what you are made of...... john

  • bebu

    OM, how's this for quiet? Well, it is serene, anyway.

    johnny, I know you are a force to be reckoned with. I love to read your anecdotes. But if you could just challenge others without the insults, I would think your character as being noble as well. How much qualitatively better would JWs be if they were free of the bOrg, but then became full of contempt for each other? Not much, imo.

    <---That's 2 cents, for the unaware


  • minimus

    Johnny, I got your pms. No, I don't want to call Kingdom Halls and talk to those that answer.

    Regarding how you act with your father, I think it's very sad.It's too bad you feel good about terrorizing your 73 year old dad.(You still sound like a Witness, rejoicing over the fact that you went to jail for "righteousness' sake").

    Last month you "caught your dad" preaching. You know how sick that sounds, John???? Dwell on your words for a bit and see if you can figure it out.

    The police must think you're a kook.I'm sure they laughed, all night.

    Man, you really need to see a doctor. If you can't afford one, at least talk to a normal friend, if you have any.

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