I reckon getting promoted in the "truth" means you are more likely to leave

by mtsgrad 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • mtsgrad

    I reckon getting promoted in the "truth" means you are more likely to leave.

    Every MTS and Gilead Class I have heard of have had people leave the truth. Is that just my opinion, or have you noticed that tooooo?


  • Mrs Smith
    Mrs Smith

    I was discussing this with my hubby the other evening. The elders have to sit in JC and hear evidence that the JW doctrine is untrue. How on earth can they stay in when they know what's going on?

  • IsaacJS2

    I've often wondered how many WT authority figures really believe what they read and say on the Society's behalf. There were times I suspected some of my own Elders of not really believing in the Society as the one, true religion. They were certainly guilty of cherry picking the things they wanted to hear from the lessons and just shrugging off the rest. That's not so unusual from what I've heard in here and elsewhere.

    Not to say that they were "hidden apostates" or anything--far from it. I think some of the Elders in my congregation just liked the perks of being an Elder.


  • zack

    Once you see the WTS sausage being made, you can't swallow it any more.

    It was as an elder that I noticed how the Society treated the congregations: they were treated as franchises, nothing more. All business.

    Also, the way people were talked about at elders' meetings, how the intimate details of their lives were batted around the room with so little care for the privacy of the individual,

    the lack of boundaries the Society has when it comes to people lives, the unscriptural basis for appt. of men to positions, etc..... I can't speak for any one else, but

    I could not reconcile what I knew of Jesus Christ to the way a congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses was run. And of course, the bowing down to the "slave" was revolting.


  • LongHairGal


    You said: "..the lack of boundaries....when it comes to people's lives.." Well, it was precisely this lack of boundaries I saw early on which led me to pick and choose who I bothered with and stay away from others.

    While I am glad I am justified in my indignation over this very real problem of their overstepping their boundaries, I am angry over all the flak I used to hear from certain people there who tried to tell me I had a "bubble" around me, or that I "wouldn't give people a chance". Yeah, like hell! That was simply my good instincts kicking in and telling me to watch out. I might add now that those very people who were so eager for me to let my guard down were the ones I had to watch out for.

    I am glad I trusted my gut.


  • jambon1
  • theinfamousone

    i don't mecessarily believe that that is true. As much as they witnesses shoot themselves in their collective feet by promoting the more intelligent (sometimes), they also make sure that those promoted are also indoctrinated to the point that they would not dare question what they are told... that being said, this is not always true! intelligence breeds questioning... questioning breeds truth, and once questioning and truth arrive; realization that the "troof" is a lie!

    the infamous one

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