Can I Disassociate myself from this site?

by mtsgrad 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2think

    LMAO you had me going with the title, but your post didnt make sense so i thought something was up.

    I'll be more prepared next time.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo
    did I make the WTS a little richer?

    Only if you bought something methinks.

    However the WTS will be unwittingly financing this 'apostate' site which is even better!

  • Scully

    The irony of having those Google Ads here is that whenever someone clicks on them, the owner of the advertised site has to pay a nominal fee for the advertising to JWD.

    It must just stick in their craw to know that they are funding an Apostateā„¢ website, and enough to cover its monthly operating costs!

    Keep clicking those ads, friends! (just don't buy anything from them... we can't support False Religion, but we'll let them support us! )

  • mtsgrad

    If we all tapped on the ad for a million years it would only cost the org about 25 cents for each 1000 hits.

    Hardly bankrupting them!

  • Scully

    If we all tapped on the ad for a million years it would only cost the org about 25 cents for each 1000 hits.

    Hardly bankrupting them!

    We aren't talking about the WTS specifically. But all the JWs who are trying to make a living off the backs of other JWs. Bethel Coach Tours - not a WTS owned business - just some uneducated JW flunky who owns some buses and organizes tours for JWs to go to Mecca Bethel instead of taking a real vacation.

    Bethel Coach Tours is a travel store for Jehovah's Witnesses, their family and friends! We are not sponsored nor operated by the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society.

  • brinjen

    mtsgrad, I got to hand it to you, that was a good one!

  • mtsgrad


    Do you reckon that deserves a promotion to Supreme One?


  • Finally-Free

    You can't leave. We own you.


  • Mary
    Can I Disassociate myself from this site?

    Well it's not that easy. First of all, we have to form a Judicial Committee to scare the be-jebus out of you and see what the problem is. Then we'll try and get you to confess to any sins you might be practicing in private. If we don't feel that you're sufficantly repentant, then somelike like Scully will make a brief announcement that "mtsgrad is no long a member of the JWD forum". You won't be allowed to contact anyone on here via PM, postings or telephone. If they catch anyone on here associating with you, that person faces expulsion themselves.

    We urge you to turn around and repent from your "independent thinking" attitude before its too late.

  • brinjen


    Do you reckon that deserves a promotion to Supreme One?


    Well you did prove today that we can't live without you, not to mention you've cost the WTS a few bucks along the way . Oh hail mtsgrad, the supreme one!

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