Getting rid of books, bound volumes, etc.

by ShareyTee 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • ShareyTee


    I've been inactive for about 10 years now, and its time for me to get rid of some of my wt stuff, but what do I do with it all??? I have all the wt stuff on a bookshelf in a spare bedroom, but now I need this shelf space. What I most want to get rid of first are the WT & Awake bound volumes. I know this is possibly the stupidest question ever asked here but should I just throw them away? It feels weird for me to throw away books. Suggestions?

  • What-A-Coincidence

    sell on ebay
    if you can afford it ... send back to Brooklyn

    some people might be intersested in your a pic of you library shelf and upload to photobucket and link it here

  • blondie

    See if Randy Watters at (posts here as Dogpatch), has a need for them.

  • Frank75

    I sold a bunch of mine on eBay. In the end only a few older books, the KS book and a pioneer book (the shining as illuminators) got any real money.

    The rest we burned, but that was mostly old magazines and more common stuff.

    Burning most of it would be good for the soul, although I loathe the thought of burning books that might be relevant period.

    Something needs to be saved for posterity, you may need to figure what that is.


  • Finally-Free

    The last thing you want is for the books to fall into the hands of some unwary person who might believe the crap that's written in them. Throw them in the garbage.


  • Balsam

    I am currently selling some of my publications online at ebay. Some bring a little money but others don't. Just take a picture and sell it as one big bunch. Just be sure to charge enough shipping and handling to cover your costs of putting it on there.

  • SnakesInTheTower


    I was just thinking of doing the same thing. I have 3 full shelves of books going back to the 50s. Even though I am still an active (barely) JW, I rarely use most of these books anymore, they are collecting dust. I want to get new book shelves AND new books, but need to get rid of most of the WT stuff first. (I have the WTCD, even though I know the Borg probably altered some of the old text to suit "New Light".)

    Some time ago, I thought there was a site called "Bethel Antiquities" but the closest I found through Google was the previously referenced "Free Minds Antiquarian", but I find no reference on selling books there. (Anyone where they BUY their literature FROM and how we can SELL ours?)

    There are sellers on EBay as mentioned.

    I have had excellent success selling college text books on Marketplace. I see that there are some bound volumes for sale for $19.95 and up. You can add yours but I cant say it will sell fast on a site not specializing in WT literature.

    SnakesInTheTower (of the "not reading the old WT S*HT anymore" Sheep Class)

  • Skimmer

    Burn them all, just as I did more than thirty years ago. It's the only way to avoid the possibility of incurring moral responsibility should some unwary individual be infected by the WTBTS deadly disease.

  • bigdreaux

    if anyone has anything pre-1970 i want them. i am trying to collect it all. i love to do research. if anyone has anything, let me know.

  • brinjen

    I got rid of my literature years ago...

    I too began by just throwing the stuff away.... Until I realised this was a waste so I took the rest to a local secondhand dealer. With the money I bought myself some cigarettes and a bottle of scotch, now theres an ad campaign for 'Cash Converters' I'd like to see!

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