Told To Buy Emergency Kits ...Ever Heard of This?

by TheKings 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • garybuss

    You wrote: Do you have any (written) proof?

    Written? Hell, I saw it. You just read the written proof. These guys had a mega backup diesel electric generator on a trailer. They even had the electrical schematics of the mall and had all the cable and tie in switches.

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh
    oh, that's nice, yhwh ... does it come in silver do you think? *touch* ...> back on topic: it's all about feeding the illusion of imminence.

    There is an option of a stainless steel barrel but that adds a bit to the overall cost. As far as imminence is all depends on your perspective. You can't stop the Earth's orbit.

  • garybuss

    I heard the guy who thought up the plan went broke buying wholesale electrical equipment. They say he went to work in a bakery and got electrocuted there one day when he sat on a fruit cake and got the currant up his ass.

  • TheKings

    pish-posh ...if it's the end of the world i'll pay a little extra to go down shootin' like a pimp. i wonder what those generator brothers are going to do with that thing after 2013 passes and no big A. lol ...

  • blondie

    Now what make this rumor even worse if it was found that the supplier was a JW man with financial ties to the WTS.

    It's hard to know where this originated:

    • KM article
    • Body of elder letter read to the congregation
    • Personal opinion of a visiting CO or DO
    • Personal opinion of a local elder who sells emergency kits
    • An excerpt from a letter from a Bethelite to a friend about a supposed announcement at the Bethel breakfast table
    • None of the above, made up to start a topic


  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh


    What is the rumor your refering to.....the Society advising that JDubs stock up or Gary's story about the generators?

  • garybuss

    My story is true . . . all except the fruit cake part. The guy actually did work in a bakery and once he even had his name entered in a speed pie making contest that incidentally, was won by a cow.

  • blondie

    Any of them.

    A scan of the BOE letter or KM article would be helpful towards taking it out of the "rumor" mill.

    If an announcement is made from the stage, it can either be a local body or individual elder's personal opinion. It doesn't mean it is an official pronouncement from NY.

    Three ways to spread information:




    (An old, old joke)

    In the end, the WTS tells people how to flush a toilet in the Bethel New Boy Manual, has numerous "suggestions" as how to act at a hotel during a convention, not to run to save a seat and knock down Sister Granny...would I think they have to "suggest" that congregations in disaster prone areas might think hard about getting a generator. We're talking an organization that rationed toilet paper to 3 sheets per person at a DC I attended and covered the mirrors with paper so the sisters would not waste time combing their hair and freshening their lipstick while their "spiritually qualified" husbands wandered unfettered without the responsibility of supervising their own children.

    One thing I have learned about JWs, they don't like to spend money unless it earns them a "spiritual" privilege down the road. Generators aren't cheap.

    As to disaster kits, we have one, not purchased from a JW or because the WTS or a JW told us to get one. We just used our noggin which still works most of the time despite our long-term exposure to WTS "thinking."


  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    A scan of the BOE letter or KM article would be helpful towards taking it out of the "rumor" mill.

    If an announcement is made from the stage, it can either be a local body or individual elder's personal opinion. It doesn't mean it is an official pronouncement from NY.

    For some reason, and Im not sure why, but your last post really cracked me up. You're so correct about how the WTBS controlls the flock right down to the paper on mirrors or the three squares of TP. LOL

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    A scan of the BOE letter or KM article would be helpful towards taking it out of the "rumor" mill.

    If an announcement is made from the stage, it can either be a local body or individual elder's personal opinion. It doesn't mean it is an official pronouncement from NY.

    Blondie - I have no doubt it was from NY. After seeing the post about the letter, an active JW friend of Clyde's called and said the letter read at his meeting.

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