more from my story

by fiveangels 36 Replies latest social relationships

  • bluebell

    Milk in the vents! nasty! lmao

  • bluebell

    duplicated post

  • fiveangels

    again thanx,but this hasn't ended yet,there's more- i do the books for him and his partner(non JW)

    i see him everyday,just knowing i can't touch him or have him touch me(like we used to)is going

    to drive me crazy.Jobs with a decent wage in this town are far and few between.

    Also he owes me a whack of cash and has a whole lot of my stuff at his house(i used to stay there quite a bit)

    now what

    also i know revenge is not right but a part of me wants him to hurt like he hurt me and

    why should he be able to get on with his life when i can't?I know sometimes I don't make sense

    but I am totally messed.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    ROTFLMAO at Dawg and his Herpes-like persistence!!

    OK, since Dawg won't let it go, I feel compelled to share this quote from Beverly Hills Cop. Detective Axel Foley (Eddie Murphy) was trying to contact some snooty rich guy at a Hotel and was getting the bum's rush. So he gets all flaming, homosexual-like on the Maitre-d' and says the following:

    "Tell Victor that Ramon---the fella he met about a week ago?--tell him that Ramon went to the clinic today, and I found out that I have, um, herpes simplex 10, and I think Victor should go check himself out with his physician to make sure everything is fine before things start falling off the man. "

    Seriously though, it's healthiest and wisest just to move on.

    Although the milk thing........................

    NO!! Just kidding. Move on!

    Take out your aggressions on a pillow or your keyboard.

    Open Mind

  • misanthropic
  • misanthropic
    again thanx,but this hasn't ended yet,there's more- i do the books for him and his partner(non JW)

    i see him everyday,just knowing i can't touch him or have him touch me(like we used to)is going

    to drive me crazy.Jobs with a decent wage in this town are far and few between.

    Also he owes me a whack of cash and has a whole lot of my stuff at his house(i used to stay there quite a bit)

    now what

    also i know revenge is not right but a part of me wants him to hurt like he hurt me and

    why should he be able to get on with his life when i can't?I know sometimes I don't make sense

    but I am totally messed.

    That makes it really tough, but do you want to continue working with him knowing he is so unethical in his personal business?- I can't imagine he would be much more dependable or honest with his business practices. I would try to get back the things you are owed, the money, your personal things etc. and then get a new job. It will never be easy for you to move on or get past him if you have to see him everyday and besides that, it would be so unhealthy for you. You CAN get on with your life, healing takes time but dwelling on this guy who's caused you so much hurt and pain is not going to do anything but make things worse for you. The best revenge is to move on, be happy, make a new life without him, you'll in time meet someone else. It's hard but really you need to let him go.

  • Honesty

    Call the local health department, remain anonymous and tell them you think he has been exposed to gonorrhea but only know his name and which kingdom hall he attends.

  • lola28
    Call the local health department, remain anonymous and tell them you think he has been exposed to gonorrhea but only know his name and which kingdom hall he attends.


  • luffy


    I stopped posting here a while back and only visit to read the threads once in a while in order to keep my strength up and remind myself how lucky I really was , to find this place after my ex decided to convert and become a JW.

    Revenge is pointless, reserve your dignity. The greatest talent a JW has is to "switch off" you will be ridiculed and he will be the hero for dumping a "wordly" girl in favor of a sister. It seems not matter what the circumstances, they will find an excuse for his behaviour, so long a he as "come right" in the end.

    LESSON 1...I have realised that the majority of these JWS still need and cannot resist contact with us "wordly" people. Most do it on the quiet, convincing themselves that it really isnt that bad, until the sense of guilt kicks in and they start "behaving" again, only to find themselves needing the contact and once again not being able to resist. It is a vicious circle, dont become the porn.

    LESSON 2...JWS have no more morals than anyone else, but seem to believe that their hypocracy and double standards go unnoticed...God must be laffin at em

    LESSON 3...Direct your feelings of revenge into those of pity and humor, he will reap what he has sown, and after a taste of a "wordly" fiance, when the reality of what he has done sets in and he is stuck with his sister, Im sure regret will set in. By that time believe me, you will be where I am now, thanking God he left you and allowed you a "life"

    We may be "of this world" but they sure as heck seem to have appeared from Mars

    I would say good luck but believe me, your luck began the day he cheated!!!

  • luffy

    geez was answering another thread and realised my typo..was PAWN as opposed to my wrong spelling of the word....sry guys

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