from Bethlehem

by bethlehem 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bethlehem

    hey guys,

    I really admire your work, which in a way guided me to the REAL truth,

    here is my story,

    My wife was seduced into the JW thing 15 years ago and left me with the little kids for a year. Imagine..leaving her own kids for some ...

    anyway, ten years later she took my daughter to the ...Ok, now I tried reasoning and all but I have decided to try to get closely involve and started to go to maaetings and studied all their stuff"even got to read in bible study" . Now I am convinced that it is all a HOAX, believe me, I read and googled and twisted my mind "you can imagine", I came to a conclusion that WE AS CHRISTIANS should stop this deceipt, many people are loured into satanic and anti christian belief and acts and what christ is asking us to do is simple, REJECT them.

    am i crazy or something? I will be happy to respond and excuse my english, I was born in Bethehem and its not my native language.

    LOVE and Peace,


  • reneeisorym

    I just want them all to come out .... So many have lost loved ones to this cult.

    I hate the organization ... But I haven't stopped loving the ones inside, wishing they too could receive salvation.

  • theinfamousone

    first off, WELCOME

    secondly, do not apologize for your english, you did a wonderful job and being bilingual is special!!!

    thirdly; good for you for not putting up with their lies.. im glad you got out quick... now it is time to help your daughter out of that BS religion... How? maybe reasoning with your wife.. there is alot of information out there that she may find interesting! and will definitely work as an eye opener for her...

    the infamous one

  • free2think

    Welcome Bethlehem.

    Your english is very good, i understand perfectly what you are saying. Im glad you were able to see through the lies, you would have been crazy to stay with them.

  • Narkissos

    Welcome !

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Bethlehem,

    WELCOME to the forum! We are happy you found this site and look forward to hearing more from you.


    Lady Liberty

  • 38 Years
    38 Years

    Welcome. No, you are not crazy. You are completely right about the beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses. Many of us still have family members that we are trying to get out of this cult. My sister is miserable being a JW, but still will not listen to anything I say. It took me 38 years to get out. That's how strong this cult is.

    This board will be very helpful to you for support and getting ideas that may help your situation. Keep researching on other sites about the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. Ask any questions you need to. These folks are very knowledgeable and understanding.


  • dawg

    check out the 6 screens of the watchtower web site

  • nvrgnbk

    Welcome bethlehem!

  • bethlehem

    Thank you all,

    Real support, thats what I can feel, and loving people on this board, I myself would also like to share my experience and research,

    I checked the 6 screens and other sites like escape and jwfiles and I have many materials, the problem when reasoning with them is that they keep their minds closed and limited to what the GB tells them. Their main argument commenting Peter "to whom shall we go?" what is the alternative, they are good people, I know but they are deceived in living in an isolated mind state and outside the wall is frightening for them,and also I noticed that most of them came to the "truth" at a time of vulnerability or after a very hard psychological trauma, so its a way of escaping reality, and it works for them.

    Thank you all again for your concern.

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