What would happen if all of the "annnointed Ones" die before Jesus returns?

by A-Team 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    What would happen??..What always happens!..#1:WBT$ gets New Light!..#2:JW`s don`t believe that anymore,whats your problem?..#3:That never happened!..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • neverendingjourney

    Perhaps this is a bit off topic, but I doubt that it would make a difference to most JWs if all of the "anointed" died off or not. I was appalled to learn that so few Witnesses knew what the official doctrine is on these matters. Many don't care. They've relinquished their ability to think to the Watchtower. They do the thinking for them. I was surprised to learn that so many JWs in my congregation thought that there were already "other sheep" serving on the GB. Whenever I would engage JWs from my congregation in conversation about whether there would be anointed on Earth when Armageddon came around I'd get mostly empty stares or comments about needing to research that point later on. When it comes to matters of prophecy interpretation, most JWs are clueless. Many of them, if not most of them, couldn't care less. Their brains start to hurt if they think about it. They've accepted that the GB somehow is in tune with Jehovah and they will provide the answers when necessary. All of these adjustments and flashes of "new light" go mostly unperceived by the JW masses.

  • DaCheech

    If i'm ever caught not studying the watchtowers "correctly", and therefore approached by mr/ms. super spiritual...... i hope i have the balls to say "does it really matter?..... it's just gonna change again next year!!!!!!!!!!!"

  • greendawn

    The GB would have no choice but to change their doctrines as they did with the 1914 generation. As said above they have already done away with the 1935 date as being the date of completion of the 144 000 (as a literal number) and the closing of the doors to any more hopeful members. Even the JWs have failed to complete the number!

    Talking of genuine anointed the dubs are doing well to question whether the GB members are genuine anointed themselves since many of their actions do not square up with being spiritually elite.

  • Warlock

    If they die before the big A, I guess the scriptures were right, and they were wrong.


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