Honey Bees..Is it just media hype??

by Lady Liberty 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Good Morning Everyone!!

    Happy Sunday!! Yesterday we went to our local Farmers Market and came across a vender that had a whole honey bees display. He also happens to have his farm in one of the areas the local media had interviewed another farm saying they were so concerned (and rightly so), about the poplulation of bees dying off. I brought this up to the honey bee man and he seemed suprised. He said his bees are fine. He hasn't seen any problem with his bees. I said, "Really??" I was actually shocked. I said, "Maybe its all just media hype". He nodded is head and agreed. Isn't that strange?? Has anyone else talked with their local honey men to see what they say about the bees dying off?? Just curious.


    Lady Liberty

  • delilah

    I read in the newspaper, that in Canada, we've had this happen in years past, where colonies of bees have died, but I don't recall there being this much hype about it before.

    I also was told, by a science professor, friend of mine,that where there have been a colony of bees that die off, from what the scientists think are parasites, new colonies will not dwell in that particular hive.

    It could be all hype, but I think it's something that needs to be addressed. If the bees all die off, there will be no pollination and we will suffer. I heard on the radio that we would be reduced to eating grass and grains...that food that we once enjoyed, would be history.

    Apparently there are people who are breeding bees....

  • magoo

    .....possibly more propaganda from the 'gore camp'......mr save energy himself....with a home that consumes as much power as some small towns....


  • MeneMene

    I went on a half-moon hike Friday night led by a ranger at one of the local parks. At one point he was telling us about one of the trees blooming in the desert now and said how many bees there are all over these trees.

    Someone asked about the problem with all the bees dying off. The ranger said it's not all bees - the wild one are fine and there are lots of them. It is only the commercial type bees that are having a problem.

    It was interesting but I do not know how much of an expert he is. He did seem to know quite a bit about the other critters in the desert.

  • neverin

    Hi all, my hubby is a bee keeper and I've asked him if colony collapse disease (CCD)is a real problem. From his research it is quite widespread. It is estimated to have affected up to 90% of colonies across 24 US states and has the potential to affect around 50% of hives in Spain, where they have identified a the microsporidan Nosema ceranea (a parasite of asian origin) as the cause.

    However, CCD has occured in the past as a result of the varroa mites, which are present in most colonies. It has been suggested that mites are becoming resistant to treatment and may be reacting with other bee viruses to cause problems within the hives. BTW, he also says that wild colonies are also affected.

    But the good news is that there are plenty of other insects that pollinate crops so the idea that we will all starve is a fallacy.

  • teela(2)

    I am a hoppyist bee keeper in New Zealand. Our latest trade mag had a large article about the missing bees. The bees just dissappear, no disease in the boxes at all. So the trade is taking it seriously.

  • skyking

    Just recently I was fishing and the local Bee Man was there. I asked him about the Bee die off and he told me last year he lost 70% of his bees. This year how ever the Bees have recovered and has more Bees than ever. I asked him about all the hype, He said that is all it is just hype. This has happened to him many times in the past and will continue in the future.

  • Seeker4

    There has been a serious honeybee dieoff problem here in the Northeast. Experts were concerned with parasites, and now I've heard about this cell phone thing.

    It seems there is something happening - maybe a natural phenomenon, perhaps other issues. Time will tell, hopefully. All I know is that we have huge flower gardens, and for two years at least have hardly ever seen a honeybee in them.


  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Thank you for all your comments. There is no doubt that something has happened. But I found SkyKings post very interesting. Maybe it is just a cycle.


    Lady Liberty

    Just recently I was fishing and the local Bee Man was there. I asked him about the Bee die off and he told me last year he lost 70% of his bees. This year how ever the Bees have recovered and has more Bees than ever. I asked him about all the hype, He said that is all it is just hype. This has happened to him many times in the past and will continue in the future.

  • JeffT

    A friend on another board lost three of four hives this year. On the other hand I've heard its cylical.

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