Why do people hide on this site?

by Adolfius 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • kls*

    I would come out but no body would know who i was without my Yellow glowing monkey Avatar

  • Adolfius

    I guess I'm quite lucky that I walked away as a teenager, and it's kind of just been accepted as if I was never really "in".

    It seems so strange to me that people are so brainwashed that they would honestly shun and ignore their own family members just on the basis of having different beliefs. Families in the "world" stick by each other and forgive, even after one has committed terrible crimes like murder........the family thing is so strong that they can't abandon each other even under terrible circumstances. Yet in the borg, people will go completely against their natural feelings, and almost pretend a family member never existed just because they have what amounts to a simple difference of opinion. How does that work? How can the borg exercise such control?

  • jgnat


  • dawg

    You won't ever see me hide from the foolish bastards at the WT... I used not to say much becasue I didn't want to hurt my family, but there actually the ones hurting me.. the photo on this site is my photo... I'm Charles Howard Huff from Athens, Georgia... The WTBTS can kiss my dirty ass. How's that?

  • Who are you?
    Who are you?

    It seems so strange to me that people are so brainwashed that they would honestly shun and ignore their own family members just on the basis of having different beliefs. Families in the "world" stick by each other and forgive, even after one has committed terrible crimes like murder........the family thing is so strong that they can't abandon each other even under terrible circumstances. Yet in the borg, people will go completely against their natural feelings, and almost pretend a family member never existed just because they have what amounts to a simple difference of opinion. How does that work? How can the borg exercise such control?

    One of the comments that I made to my JW MIL that stopped her in her tracks was that shunning is unnatural and goes against every single instinct that a parent has for his/her own child....

    I have zero tolerance for this obscene manmade doctrine.

  • PrimateDave

    Way to go, dawg, I mean Charles! Uh, you should probably clean your ass. It might get infected or something...

    So far I'm lucky enough that my parents still stay in contact. I made up my mind last year to leave in no uncertain terms. I told the PO and emailed my family. I miss some of the friends I had in the local congregation, but I have made other friends "in the world".


  • jgnat

    Another question to ask, "Why does the organization need to rule with fear?"

  • DJK

    It's a family thing. The org is just another bowling league I quit.

  • bubble

    Some people hide and some don't, like myself.

    You haven't been exactly fully open with us though Adolfius. Why have you not entered your age and where you're from, they should be showing up under your avatar. Also you haven't filled anything about yourself on your profile. Are you hiding a little bit?

  • mouthy

    ... The WTBTS can kiss my dirty ass.

    Sending you a wash cloth & some soap..... Big boys must wash their bums.....

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