Does China Disprove Bible Prophecy?

by metatron 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    China is rapidly emerging as second only to the US. It's growth rates may allow it to pass the US

    in mid-century. Yet, interpretations of Daniel and Revelation say nothing about this, at least

    according to the Society. Britain will soon reduce its armed forces deeply - and the European Union

    is rapidly falling behind in military strength.

    There is no King of the North to fufill prophecy - and now world dominance is passing to Asia.


    Bible prophecy is kaput.....


  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    For the Watchtowers interpretation it could mean we may see 'new light'.

    Personally I find the method of 'newspaper theology' absurd.

  • neverendingjourney

    The beauty of Bible prophecy is that it can be interpreted in such a way to "prove" just about anything. I had a co-worker that dabbled in various Christian denominations, and it seemed like he always had a new, interesting way of interpreting the book of Daniel. A lot of fundamentalists believe that their particular interpretation of the Book of Daniel is foolproof (probably about as foolproof as William Miller's and Charles T. Russell's). When it is clear that world events no longer match up with the Society's interpretation of prophecy "new light" will spring forward to correct that doctrinal point. Isn't Jehovah's organization grand?

    The sad thing is that most will just continue to live their day to day lives without much of a disturbance. I was in the conversion process when the "new light" on the generation teaching came out. It was right before I got baptized. I was so excited. The light was getting clearer. I called up an elder and chatted with him about it. I was probably one of the first to find out in the congregation because I read every magazine as soon as they came in the mail. A nosy elder's wife came up to me at the hall one day because I was telling everyone about this new light that we had just received. She waited until I was by myself and began to ask me some questions. She wanted me to explain myself. I remember getting really nervous. She didn't seem pleased. I now understand that she thought I was spreading my own "apostate" ideas about Bible interpretation. It turns out that the interpretation she was questioning sounded like an apostate concept when it was coming from me, but it was right there in her Watchtower for her to read.

    About four or five years ago I remember sitting through a Watchtower study that covered various "proofs" that Armageddon was not delayed. The list consisted mostly of Watchtower interpretations of Bible prophecy. How does your interpretation of Bible prophecy prove that the end is near? Incidentally, one of those "proofs" was that the anointed had been sealed in 1935 and there would still be anointed here on Earth when the Great Tribulation started. Therefore, Armageddon had to be right around the corner because soon all of the anointed would die off. Post 1935 anointed were just replacements. We couldn't expect Armageddon to come 100 or 200 years from now because all of the anointed would be dead by then. So much for that!

  • nvrgnbk

    I thought for years, while still an active Witness, that China was the new King of the North.

    Many current JWs must speculate the same.

  • Paralipomenon

    Really the feet of the statue in Daniel's prophesy of iron mixed with clay signify the constant turmoil of the governments in the time of the end. Truly we can see the evidence of this by looking at the state of the world economy.

    Does this not motivate you to preach even harder knowing the end is ever more near?

  • JH

    If China is not mentionned in the bible, probably this means the end will come before it surpasses the USA.

    But who is the King of the North, it doesnt have to be a powerful nation, just a nation like Iran would do, cause it opposes itself to the king of the south (USA)

    Rat's inspired post

  • JH

    but then again, where does "peace and security" fit in....?

  • Warlock

    THe current thinking of the WTS on that is that king has not been revealed yet.

    All they have to do is wait. If you choose the winner when the game is over, you are always right.


  • Zico


    From talking to JWs, most of them speculate that China will be the final King of the North. Perhaps it's the obvious choice?

    One thing I find most JWs don't realise, is that the King of the North makes an alliance with the South (Anglo-US) and together they can go and ban religion. This is what's odd about them looking for a war, as the Society does not teach this.

  • metatron

    Constant turmoil? You mean compared to a near constant struggle to survive disease and starvation

    that has marked most of the human race for thousands of years?

    And China is the "king of the North" even tho it isn't particularily northern relative to the US and

    has almost nothing to do with JWs??? or the Middle East?

    It's all gobble - dee - gook.


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