is atheism better than believing in a god who doesnt care?

by theinfamousone 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • zagor
    is atheism better than believing in a god who doesnt care?

    personally, I think atheism is way better option. Such kind of faith is like loving someone who doesn't respond to your pleas and advancements i.e. what's the point??

  • PrimateDave

    Hi Warlock. You said:

    If I may take your comment a little further. I highlighted above, because everything we know about God is communicated by other humans, whether by written word, or spoken word. What if those who do claim the be his "earthly representitives" have it completely wrong? They heard it wrong, they wrote it wrong, etc. What if the context of our questions about God,( i.e., Does He really care? Does He exist?) is wrong, because those who claim to speak for him have misled us, most without knowing it?


    So, that would seem to make those who claim to speak for god either Frauds or Fools, wouldn't it? What do you think?


  • DeViL DriVeR 76
    DeViL DriVeR 76
    is atheism better than believing in a god who doesnt care?

    It's better than believing in a "god who doesnt care" but for some may not be better than believeing in god.

    Now the christian god DOES NOT CARE! Not just JW god any one who believes the bibles god. How? not just because he lets mankind suffer but why he lets them suffer. HE DID IT OVER A F@CKING BET!!!! Thats right satan said I can turn everyone against you, god said no you cant , satan said could too, god said could not, satan said could too infinity! Ok maybe not in those exact words but you get the point. God said he would give satan some time to prove himself. HOW LONG DOES HE NEED???? It's been thousands of years. Humans are dieng every day and god wont stop it over a bet he made with some insignificant angel he could have destroyed the second he questioned him. So yeah that god doesnt care.

    But that does not mean that he's even a god, tht doesnt mean that theres not another god out there whos plan was to give us life, free will and let us do with it as we please. Who knows maybe theres a real bible out there and it was destroyed and re written and the real gods pissed at us and lets us suffer. The problem is when most people say god at least here on these boards they are talking about the christian god, but there are many other people who believe in different gods who have different thoughts on why things are the way they are now.

    Anyway I personally dont believe in god but at the same time I dont believe one does not exist so I would have to answer your question... No, I dont believe atheism is better than not believing at all I would say being agnostic is however.

  • Warlock
    So, that would seem to make those who claim to speak for god either Frauds or Fools , wouldn't it? What do you think?

    Yes......................or delusional.

    As long as we cannot posses absolute knowledge, then anything is possible concerning a creator.


  • serotonin_wraith


    and lets face it: if he has created us and hes the most powerful being of all time... he has the right to do whatever he wants. he created everything, even the laws which define what we're thinking. he has the right to dump us into the sun. like you've the right to burn the picture you painted.

    So, if you have a child, you are allowed to do whatever you want to it, because it is your own creation?

  • Sirona

    Why not consider these alternatives?

    Panentheism -

    Pantheism -

    "God" does not have to be Yahweh or Jesus.


  • Sirona

    Or this view.

    Concepts of the divine

    Most Neopagan traditions are polytheistic, but the interpretation of the concept of deity or deities varies widely, including monist, pantheist, dualist, deist, animist, henotheist, psychological and mystical variations and interpretations.

    Hutton states that the historical Pagans did not see "All Goddesses as one Goddess; all Gods as one God", but some types of modern Neopagans believe that there is but a single divinity or life force of the universe, which is immanent in the world. The various manifestations and archetypes of this divinity are not viewed as wholly separate, but as different aspects of the divine which are ineffable.

    The point I'm making is that your question appears to rule out any other options. So you're kind of saying "If God exists but doesn't care, then I should probably be atheist"

    Whereas I'm saying "God may exist, but he/she may be slightly more abstract than the Christian god appears to be and therefore there is no question of whether this entity "cares" "


  • nvrgnbk

    Deep topic theinfamousone.

    As has been stated so eloquently by some posters, atheism is not an active choice, but rather an inevitable conclusion.

    As the ever-awareness-expanding jt notes, The Universe is glorious. That much we know.

    That God has done nothing to positively impact the human experience would also appear to be the case.

    For that reason, many simply see no logical basis for belief in God.

    Where that leaves us I'm not certain.

    I am trying, though it's not always easy, to simply be and enjoy what is.


  • theinfamousone

    marcel wrote:

    exists we cant judge him. its like an dog judges an human. the dog just doesnt have the picture, why humans do some things. like why we take them to the doctor, when the doctor only does "bad" things to them. for a dog it does not make any sense and if he could philosphy about it he might think thats humans act very unrighteous... if not evil.

    well first off, comparing us to dogs, kinda weird... kinda hurtful!!! but hey, no biggie, cuz i guess i understand the analogy... the flaw here is this.. your argument basically becomes God knows best... actually, thats exactly what you eloquent analogy was.... the problem is, if he really knows best, well, is it really best to allow all this suffering? im speaking solely about the christian god... the next question that arises is this, at least dogs see us and know we exist and do really get benefits from our actions daily... hourly... we supply them with all they need to live... god on the other hand is allowing all the pain and suffering highlighted above and really not showing himself as present or even existant... so i guess he either has something to hide or he isnt there...

    and the most important of all, if he really is there, he is allowing all this suffering... why? because he wants to prove a point? i don't want to believe in that!

    the infamous one

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Tough question.

    Both choices seem rife with landmines to me at the moment.


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