Get over it!

by Pureheart 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pureheart

    Everyone that has a problem with the WTS and its members.
    (Romans 5:3-5) And not only that, but let us exult while in tribulations, since we know that tribulation produces endurance; 4 endurance, in turn, an approved condition; the approved condition, in turn, hope, 5 and the hope does not lead to disappointment; because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the holy spirit, which was given us.

    (Acts 5:29) In answer Peter and the [other] apostles said: “We must obey God as ruler rather than men.

    (Revelation 22:18,19) “I am bearing witness to everyone that hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone makes an addition to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this scroll; 19 and if anyone takes anything away from the words of the scroll of this prophecy, God will take his portion away from the trees of life and out of the holy city, things which are written about in this scroll.

    Anyone who seat himself in the seat of Moses is condemned. Anyone that follows such a person is condemned.
    Anyone who change Gods' word is condemned.
    Condemned by whom? The Almighty God Jehovah.
    Get a life, and GET OVER IT, "all those that condemn"!!!!!!!!!!!

  • sweetone2377

    I do hope this post was in jest (as I am still learning everyone here) but if not:

    The only problem I have with the "members" are that they are blinded. It is not really a problem, nor is it "my" problem. I do feel sorry for them and wish they could just lift their veil to see truth. As for the WTS, they are the ones lying to the r&f and to the world. They are the ones altering the Word of God (ever wonder why the discourage reading any other Bible translation? Because they don't match up). I find that the violence and the emotional abuse that is allowed to happen in the WTS is disgusting. And I know of this happening, not by heresay or the iNet, but from personal experience, as do many others that have left.

    Don't knock it unless you've tried it.

    I've tried your way and it was harmful to my physical, mental and emotional health and happiness. Maybe you should try it "our" way and then, only then, can you try to "condemn" us.

    "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled." ~ Matt. 5:6

  • Escargot

    wow, I feel like I was just condemned!

    Erasmus (1520 AD): "If we want truth, every person ought to be free to speak what they think without fear."

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    "Get a life, and GET OVER IT, "all those that condemn"!!!!!!!!!!!"

    I got a life after I got out. No more Book Studies, No More Ministry School, no more sales...uhhh service meeting, no more BORING Watchtower studies, NO MORE FIELD SERVICE, no more Circuit Assemblies, no more sweltering in the heat District Assemblies.
    No more STRANGERS (i.e Elders, nosey friggin holier than thou people and ELDERS WIVES who really need to get laid) sticking their nose into my business and telling ME what I should wear, what I should watch, what I should listen to, who I should go out with, who I should marry, when I can have sex, how I can have sex, what positions I can do, what kind of education I should get, where I should work, how many hours I should work,

    I can THINK for myself. Why don't YOU try it, instead of just quoting out of a book!!!

  • Pureheart

    (Matthew 23:2) “The scribes and the Pharisees have seated themselves in the seat of Moses.(Matthew 23:2) Therefore what they tell you do, but do not do as they do.
    The Religeous leaders in Jesus day were sticklers for the written law. They impelled the people to follow every letter, but did pretty much what they wanted. They were above the law of Moses. So Jesus was telling the people to do as they said, because of telling them to follow the law of Moses, but not as they did, because the Religeous leaders were not acting in harmony with the law.
    Today if any man tells you to do something that is harmony with the scriptures do it. If it is not, Obey God over men no matter who they claim to be.

  • Englishman


    Betcha don't last 50 posts!


    Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....

  • sweetone2377

    PH ~ Which is exactly why I am not part of the org any longer. They are the modern day Pharisees.

    lol Englishman, I wonder about that also, just how long PH will make it here? Although, I wondered that aboutmyself also and here I am, a few weeks and 80+ posts later! S/He may soon smarten up and actually his brain for his posts instead of just his books.

    "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled." ~ Matt. 5:6

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    Two words....FREE WILL

    I'll take my chances with free will. One day, we ALL will have to stand before the throne of God and be held accountable for our actions.

    I'd rather be held accountable for my OWN actions, not for actions someone else told me to take.

  • Patriot

    Pureheart:"(Acts 5:29) In answer Peter and the [other] apostles said: “We must obey God as ruler rather than men."


    Don't you hear yourself,man? You sound like a fanatic.

    Why don't you follow your own conscience when it tells you that there is nothing wrong talking to a freind that you have known for over 20 years but no,longer considers himself a JW. Just because the Elders tell you not to?

    Is that what God said? No not an interpretation of the WTBTS..but did GOD himself write that on the Tablets?

    Why do you submit yourself to countless rules and regulations that have nothing to do with the Bible but are only around to ensure the Legal existence of a corporation?

    You really need to follow you own advice and stop following a group of old men who get their jollies by dictating terms of living for 6 million people.

    How very pathetic...


  • Ranchette

    Pure Heart,

    I believe that if you have nothing better to do than tongue lash us with scripture, you should take your own advice and "GET A LIFE"!

    As others have pointed out we are in the process of reestablishing our lives after WT.
    We have many issues to work through,
    We have been hurt,
    Lied too,
    Robbed of our freedom,
    Torn away from those we love the most, our family and friends.
    We have been vilified
    I could go on but I think you get the picture!

    We see the sadness and waste of our lives in the org, and it pains us to see our friends and loved ones wasting theirs and continuing to be victimized by this organization whether they know it or not.

    What we are feeling and communicating here is much bigger than the WT org , this place is for us.
    We need this place and if you don’t like what we have to say here then you can go elsewhere.
    You have no right to try to make us feel bad for working through our issues!


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