Killing Bees

by Sasha 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sasha

    So this dumb woman calls up an exterminator to complain she has some bees in her yard and they come and kill them!!!!! I have bees, I love my bees, they pollenate all my flowers 'cause I raise different kinds of butterflies. Is this woman MAD? Or are the exterminators MAD? In five years we will have no food because the beees are dying. (prophecy?) I'm soooo crazy about people like this. They won't be happy until the whole world in concret!!!!! and the all the animals are gone...and theres no food!

  • greendawn

    Bees are a lovely industrious and benign insect they produce delicious honey and pollinate flowers so why should anyone want to harm them? When they sometimes fall in water and can't get out I find a twig or something and rescue them.

    Unless some people confuse them with killer bees which have already reached America and killed several people.

  • Scully

    The only people I can understand who might have a legitimate issue with bees are people with anaphylactic allergies to their venom. Even so, you can get an epi-pen and just be cautious. You don't need to exterminate bees. I love listening to them buzzing around my garden.

  • DJK

    Honey bee's are protected under federal law. Do you know which type of bee the exterminater killed? Or did the exterminater just remove the bee's?

  • jaguarbass

    Killing bees in Florida, they are dissappearing faster than they can kill them. Einstein said when the bees disappear man will be gone in 4 years.

  • Blueblades

    I have Bees flying around my house up as high as the third floor. I watch them outside my screen. They are amazing to watch how fast they can maneuver in the air. I watch three or four of them together so close to each other and they don't bump into each other. We have a number of small beehives on the wall and ceiling outside the house. we leave them alone to themselves. They are only doing what they are made to do. We don't interfere with them and keep our distance from them.


  • Sasha

    They are NOT killer bees and today there was another ariticle where they did the same thing somewhere else around Here (SOUTH FLORIDA). The key word here is Florida. You'll never find out. I e-mailed all the articles from these authors and it comes back no such person. They won't take you're messages about these atrocities. I'm betting they killed them. Fools.

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