How do you see the world heading if all religion was eliminated?

by Guest with Questions 76 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • serotonin_wraith

    Good points. It made me think alot. Indoctrination is a form of teaching, yet very different to the type I was referring to. Both are imparting knowledge. I still hold to the belief that knowledge of a particular religious worldview cannot be proved in the same way as other things, and is extremely biased. Perhaps I should have been more specific with what I was saying. Compare religious indoctrination with religious teaching-

    The public school curriculum may not, therefore, include religious indoctrination in any form (including hostility to religions or religion in general). Such teaching would constitute state sponsorship of religion and would violate the freedom of conscience protected by the First Amendment.
    Religious indoctrination, however, is not the same as teaching about religion.
    The school's approach to religion is academic, not devotional.
    The school strives for student awareness of religions, but does not press for student acceptance of any one religion.
    The school sponsors study about religion, not the practice of religion.
    The school exposes students to a diversity of religious views; it does not impose any particular view.
    The school educates about all religions; it does not promote or denigrate any religion.
    The school informs students about various beliefs; it does not seek to conform students to any particular belief.

    In the philosophy of education, the concept of indoctrination refers to unethical influencing in a teaching situation. Indoctrination means infiltrating (drilling, inculcating etc.) concepts, attitudes, beliefs and theories into a student’s mind by passing her free and critical deliberation. When - on a general level - we define indoctrination in this way, it is easy to say that the indoctrinati­ve teaching is morally wrong and that teachers or educational institutions should not practise it.
    ...teaching is indoctrination if the outcome is an "indoctrinated person".
    The ground of the beliefs of such a person are believed to be untenable, or beyond rational reasoning. An indoctrinated person holds her conviction despite of the counter evidence.

    When teaching facts, there is no counter evidence. It is not irrational to believe in these things and pass them on to the next generation. It is how our species aquires knowledge.

  • writetoknow

    Just remember historical facts are being changed daily depending on the mood of the news media

  • joannadandy

    There is no way, imo, that all religion will ever be eliminated. Honestly, it's one of the reasons I felt ok in leaving the JW's - their whole prophesy about the big bad UN outlawing all religion and then the end coming I don't see happening in my lifetime.

    If people slowly drift away from it and it dies - that's one thing, but I think that would take much longer than any of our lifetimes. I see far too many people who believe whole-heartedly in their religion of choice, and frankly - I don't feel I, or any government, have a right to deny them that belief - even if it is not one I hold myself.

  • eclipse

    Ok, I hope I'm not repeating what has already been said.

    If religions were taken away from the people, people would shout out that their rights were being violated, and fight to get religion back.

    If religion were made mandatory and forced on the people, those same people would fight against their oppresors and fight to have religion removed, or fight for the right to say no to religion.

    If religion were taken away, it would be human nature to fight for it...because people always want what they cannot have.

    Just my two cents.

    The only people who probably wouldn't give a care about this whole thing, would be athiests and agnostics.

  • IP_SEC

    What do you mean be eliminate religion? Religion (belief in the grey bearded old man in the sky?) or religion (any excessive belief in any ideology including atheism?)

    Superstitious belief doesnt harm any one. Fundyism in all its forms is destructive, it blocks creativity. (Islamic Fundy, Atheist Fundy, JW Fundy, XJW Fundy)

    If god belief and superstition were to be eliminated due to emotional/intellectual evolution (not by force) I think that would be very good for the world.

  • restrangled

    The United States would probably have more competent presidents.....they would be elected on ability and not by the religious right because of abortion and stem cell beliefs.

    I think worldwide terrorism would be a thing of the past.

    We would probably continue to have dictators and human rights violators in the world. Power is a strong religion in and of itself. Remember the book Animal Farm?


  • writetoknow

    It nice to live at time when we can be so apathetic about our life or at least live in a country that can be apathetic.

    And of course if there isn't a God and He really doesn't have any concern about all thats been done in His name through mans religions. Then yes religion would never go away on it own - for sure! And yes provided we don't have an all out nucler attack by religious fanatics and religious fanatics from another country return the favor and the world enconomy is upset and it becomes a matter of survial. And then a world power which we cannot control jumps in and so on...

    But thats not allowed in our life time we have too many toys and too much education for that nonsence. Furthermore thats all TV stuff and we always snap our figures and all problems are solved within minutes. We are living at a time of great peace and security nothing like that could happen to us we are a special generation. Cool I agree (-:

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