Tax Payers' Money: How Would You Change the Way It Is SPENT?

by YoursChelbie 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • YoursChelbie

    Most people in the US, I think, tend to to be in a general consensus that the War in Iraq is a big waste of tax payers’ money.

    If you think it is, what are other ways you feel the government is wasting tax payers’ money?

    Are there some services which should be allocated a greater share of tax payers’ money?

    Here’s my answer:


    Too much money is being wasted in courts handling frivolous lawsuits.

    Perhaps a court mediation session should be mandated for most cases which seem to fit this description to "weed them out" before much court time is spent on frivolous lawsuits.


    I’d like to see Teachers of our public school get a pay raise. Too many talented teachers whose job is critical to the foundation of our newer generations are leaving the profession because the salary just isn’t competitive to other professionals who complete a four year degree.

    What about you?

  • sinis

    No, government only has ONE obligation and that is the security of its citizens. Welfare, education, and other entitlement programs are not the responsibilty of Federal Government. If the states want to provide it, fine. Otherwise it should be the responsibility of private sector or organizations.

  • OICU8it2

    Amen Sinis. I am sick of the US Congress and the power of the IRS. They will never let that go. This country will go into stagnation once those who pay no taxes are greater that 50% of the voters. The so called "rich" already are paying most of the burden. I am sick of this country's beauracracy.

  • greendawn

    Spend more money on a green policy to reduce pollution from cars, factories, garbage etc. and for finding organic ways to fight crop pests rather than using dangerous chemicals.

  • jaguarbass

    Teachers for the most part are people that went to college for four years and cant figure out what to do. Or werent smart enough for a medical or law degree. Those that cant do, teach. Whatever they get is plenty considering they work day shift with weekends off and get 2 to 3 months a year off.

  • YoursChelbie
    Teachers for the most part are people that went to college for four years and cant figure out what to do.

    You are entitled to your opinion. Perhaps you speak condescendingly because you didn't have good teachers growing up. I for one had some excellent teachers both in private and public school. Just as in any profession --including doctors and lawyers--- there will be some who are not as capable as others. The very good ones are worth ten times what they make in my opinion because they provide children (some future lawyers and doctors among them) with skills they will use their whole life.


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