A history of failed watchtower prophecy in verse

by dedpoet 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • dedpoet

    Here's a little poem that Linda and I put together last night about the prophetic
    failures of the watchtower. Linda had the idea, and I did most of the writing, so I
    thought I'd post it for your amusement

    1914 was when Charlie thought
    That the battle of armageddon would be fought
    So with great expectation he approached that year
    But in 1915 the world was still here

    Charlie died, and the judge came along
    And he was singing the same old song
    This time it would be 1925, he said
    When all the ungodly would be dead

    But as before, 1926 arrived
    And all the ungodly seemed to have survived
    Within a few years boozer Joe was no more
    And the new man at the top was Nathan Knorr
    One of his ideas for the organisation
    Was the writing of the new world translation
    He spoke of man's 6000 years on earth
    And pushed 1975 for all it was worth

    When 1976 came, and still no paradise
    The watchtower didn't apologise
    They said 1914 was now the important date
    And those that remembered it now knew their fate

    For their generation would by no means die out
    Before the promised paradise came about
    But all that changed in 1995
    When many of the generation were no longer alive

    The teaching on the anointed was clear
    Their gathering had been completed for over 70 years
    Until new light flashed in 2007
    And once more opened the door to heaven

    Since the 1870's for year after year
    The watchtower has said that the end is so near
    But not one of their prophecies came true
    They should say they're sorry, but they never do
    For when anything goes wrong, they always say the same
    It's never their fault, it's the brothers to blame

    Trev and Linda

  • penny2

    I love it, Linda and Trev. You are wonderful, both of you!


  • Crumpet

    Very concise, very easy to understand, very damning. Well done - I like. You should send this to them!

  • Junction-Guy

    That's awesome Linda and Trevor. I wrote a poem about the WT Society almost 2 years ago. I need to re-work it, and then re-post it here.

  • dedpoet


    You should send this to them!

    The thought of doing that has occurred to us, and I have their email address...

  • WTWizard

    And they wonder why I will not fall for it when they start hyping 2014 next year after the 2007's implied prediction they set up last year goes bust. And when 2014 goes bust, they will try again with 2034. I think their 1914 crap is going out of date big time.

  • ex-nj-jw

    Linda and Trev - I loved it!!!

  • Leolaia

    dedpoet....You've lived up to your name. The 1870s reference is a biggie -- that's 130 years ago. It would be like someone in 100 BC announcing that the Messiah was already present. But everyone who heard that message would have died before Jesus Christ was even born. BTW, you might like my own haiku of Watchtower history.

  • dedpoet


    I just read your haiku - excellent. Linda had the idea for ours, I did
    most of the writing.

  • loosie

    I love it. I think some how it should be smuggled into print in one of the sudy WT's.

    Like maybe a bethel inside could get it printed in teh Wt and ship out the mage before the bethel higher ups could review the magizine.

    Can't blame a serta sheep for dreaming.

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