Goldfish in Aquariums

by DazedAndConfused 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • DazedAndConfused

    I am at the end of my rope. I lost my favorite "bubble-headed" goldfish. I don't know what to do. I have one goldfish left. I have talked to the people at the local Petsmart that I bought them at, yet they don't seem to help. They told me to use tap water to fill the tank. I did that, although in past experience that has not worked. I am trying to go by the "experts."

    Just 2 days ago I changed the water, per their advice. The water turned into Los Angeles smog. I tried to enhance the filter system (which I felt was not adequite (sp)) and of course the water became so polluted that you could see the contaminated water just ooze filth. I am now emptying the tank. I plan on taking out all vestiges of "comfort" I thought they would want, ie. plants and gravel. I saw in the store that this is the case in every tank.

    They told me that goldfish were the filthiest fish you can own. OK, I can accept that but when it comes to fancy goldfish that cost $15.00 a piece you want to do something to save them, not to mention you get a sense of caring personally ( at least as much as you can to a fish.) I have a cat and the same rules seem to apply.

    I am tired of sucking up dirty fishwater, I am OCD with a germ aversion. I need to save this poor soul. Does anyone have suggestions?

  • What-A-Coincidence
  • DazedAndConfused

    OK, what will eBay do for me? From what I understand eBay sells stuff. I never saw info about subjects. Am I missing something?

  • dedpoet

    Hi DazedAndConfused,

    I don't know much about goldfish but one of my relatives does, so I
    phoned her for advice when I saw your thread, and she emailed me
    these links, which she referred to when she started keeping them

    I hope they help


  • restrangled

    When you change all the water in the tank the ammonia levels rise dramatically, which suffocates the fish. There are drops you can buy at your fish store that neutralize the water, wait an hour or 2 before returning your fish to the tank.

    I did the same thing to mine. I had a pond out in the back yard with gold fish. They grew to about 1 pound each. I drained the pond and refilled it. The poor fellows were dead within an hour.


  • jgnat

    Dedpoet's links look perfect. One lesson Iearned from having fish is to let the water sit for a while (I wait a week) before changing the water in the tank. I put all the additives in and let it sit.

  • DJK

    Buying fish at Petsmart may be a bad idea. They medicate thier fish because every tank share's the same filter. Fish tend to die in about two weeks from time you take them home. That's from a Petsmart employee near me. Did you add a new fish recently? Are they all new? Disease can be hard to identify. A product called stress coat is valuable for fish in resisting disease, parasites and handeling fish during water changes. Look into that. Old fish food is also very bad.

    You say tap water. Is it from a well? If so, compressed carbon dioxide in the water may be a problem. When filling the tank, allow the water to drop in on top and not below the surface of the water. A strong agitation of the water will allow the CO2 to release somewhat. City water? May be high in chlorine and minerals and there are products available for that at the pet shop. If you have water concerns and you dont own a test kit ask a pet shop if they could test your water for you.

    When changing water, I make sure the temperature difference is less than five degrees between tank, holding tank and back into tank. If your using a filtration system, you may not have to change the water for very long periods especially if your using a beneficial bacteria in your tank. A healthy tank will provide its own bacteria to keep it clean and one pound of rocks for each gallon of water will give the bacteria a place to reside. Clean water can go cloudy and back to clean and that happens every summer in my ponds. Bacteria needs time to establish itself and it also controls ammonia.

    It all seems very technical, but it is very easy once you get the hang of it.

    DJK, of the 80 goldfish and 20 Koi class.

  • DazedAndConfused

    Thank you poet. I am never ceased to be amazed at the lengths some go to in here to help others. Not only did you respond but you ACTUALLY called someone about this. You are too kind. I have not read the 2 sites yet, but I will in a few minutes. TYTYTYTY!!! (3 times for emphasis don't ya know)

  • DazedAndConfused

    restrangled, I added the drops and s/he seems to be ok today. The filter was gross!!! but the fish seems ok. With everyone's help I hope to save the fish. TY for responding.

  • DazedAndConfused

    jgnat, what do you do in the meantime with the fish. When I changed the water last week I wanted to wait and left them in another environment and my favorite died. Hard to fluch your fav.

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