JW's Google Search--Is Google the answer to Bringing Down the WBTS??

by horrible life 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • horrible life
    horrible life
    Fun with Google
    By SAP(SAP)
    The fact that I will no longer have hundreds of Jehovah's Witnesses checking out my blog looking for the source of this statement:. "Back in 1956, a news columnist wrote: “It is estimated that a century ago the average man had 72 wants, ...
    thoughts from an empty head - http://silas216.blogspot.com/
  • horrible life
    horrible life
    that the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society does, and if you really want to know, might I humbly suggest that you ask them what their source was.

    This was the 5th most popular outgoing link.

    Hundreds of JW's looked for this quote. Where did it come from, for it to be quoted recently? The Revelation book is older. Why were they looking for it?

    What can we use, to make JW's look up? Can we take a keyword, and make a blog, with references?

  • jaguarbass

    They will take their head out of their ass when there head is no longer comfortable in their ass.

    I think this site will be helpful to them when the do come up for air. We can tell them what the explosion they just heard was.

  • Arthur

    I don't think that the Watchtower Society needs to be "brought down". Given enough time, they will do more than enough damage to themselves. The ways in which they are demanding unquestioning and robotic allegiance to the leadership is going to continue to wear thin on it's members. The atmosphere of legalism continues to drive more and more away. Their unloving and coercive methods of mind control and psychological manipulation will continue to push people away. Ironically, the more they try to force people into compliance and conformity; the more the members will begin to ask questions. There is already a very large "revolving door" within the membership.

    The Watchtower Society with it's leadership is like a toxic parent. They alienate and push away their kids while insisting that they are blameless. They simply do not have the slightest ability to admit wrongdoing, or accept accountability. When things go wrong; it is always the fault of "the flock" or of "opposers". Throughout history, this is one of the hallmark characteristics of dictators.

    I think that the Watchtower's refusal to show personal responsibility or accountability while continuing to push and coerce it's members on the organization's treadmill will push more and more JWs to explore the internet for answers. The internet is their biggest threat. It is the proverbial "horse that is out of the barn".

    This is why I say that no one really needs to feel like they must "bring down" the Watchtower. There's no need to try to knock out an opponent who is beating himself black and blue.

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    I'm tired, but what I am trying to say is... Find out what a JW is researching, and put in our own Google references. This quote for instance. Then this guy puts in a refernce to the JW addresses. We could put in reference to a blog that discredits the WTS.

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Beautifully said Arthur.

  • WTWizard

    I think that they are going to do a pretty good job of it next year. They are going to have that Kool-Aid edition of the Craptower, and that will allow them to put harsh, ridiculous bans and rules on the members without the public seeing it. And they will clamp down on faders, trying to drag them back into the Kingdumb Hells.

    The harder they try to force people to do things that they should not be, or banning things that they need to do, the more people are going to say "Bag it!" and just walk out. If they do ban sleep, work, school, and the like, they had better have a huge supply of S-77 forms ready for all the disassociations and disfellowshippings that they are going to have to do. Plus, it will make new recruits balk at joining the organization. They don't seem to have the sense that the harsher the rules they do make, the more people are going to blow out. And each one of them will be a potential new member of JWD, complete with the latest updates of the rules that they actually do put out.

    So they try to crack down on faders and drag them back to the Kingdumb Hells? What happens when some of Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the Watchtower Studies start being made by those recaptured faders right inside the Kingdumb Hells? And they are going to pick up right where Google left off in the ministry. I know for a fact that if I ever get dragged out in the ministry, I will hand-write www.sixscreensofthewatchtower.com " right in all the magazines upon placement so that the prospective study will see it and blow the study.

    Hopefully the Internet, and Google, will help put a dent in new recruits. They seem to have slowed growth down in the US and Europe, and caused negative growth in Japan. If they would reach Brazil and Nigeria, it would help even more. However, they seem to be doing an excellent job at shooting themselves in the foot every time they set up for new rules and regulations. True, some are ridiculous. But they are going to get even worse, and when they do, more people are going to blow them off and come here or start new sites like Six Screens. That is what will ultimately bring them down.

    And finally, there is the lawsuits that are pending. They are getting hit with a good number of pedophile suits (see www.silentlambs.org ). If they lose these, they will soon go belly-up. Hopefully this combination is going to finish them off.

  • Adolfius

    I disagree. I don't think they are going to destroy themselves as it were.

    Yes the numbers are dwindling in the west as we become more educated and secular. But all the WTS is doing is switching focus to the third world. They are now targeting almost entirely uneducated people, who are very supersticious and much more easily manipulated.

    Take a look at this thread: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/10/134276/1.ashx and you'll see what they're doing.

    I think they're time is coming to an end in North America and Europe, but they'll just change location. Places like Africa are like a ground floor opportunity for the WTS businessmen. The education is zero so they can easily tell people what to think and they'll think it. Secondly, as the rest of the world focuses on bringing Africa out of poverty, incomes will rise as will the general standard of living which means people will have money (not much granted, but enough to buy the magazines if it'll save their lives). It's like a dream come true for any comapny, and the WTS are getting in early to take advantage of the inevitble changes over there. And whats more, it's gives them the perfect opportunity to make dramatic changes to their doctrine for peole who don't know the history of their beliefs. It'll be like a whole new start for them.


  • Arthur
    Hopefully the Internet, and Google, will help put a dent in new recruits. They seem to have slowed growth down in the US and Europe, and caused negative growth in Japan.

    I have no doubt that this has been the case. Just from private conversations that I have had with people, it seems that people who are curious about the Witnesses usually always look them up on the internet. Almost nobody in the U.S. buys a car, a house, or an insurance policy without getting some information on the internet first. Why wouldn't they do this with a religion also?

    Before I left the organization, I began to notice that when we would approach people in service; they would sometimes ask if we were affiliated with the "Watchtower" before we even opened our mouth. This was peculiar, as many people at one time used to call us "those Jehovahs". But now, looking back, I realize that those were very likely people who had researched us; enough to know that we are directed by the Watchtower Society.

    You just can't fool a savvy consumer in this information age.

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