Speculating on New Rules in 2008 and Beyond

by WTWizard 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Mum

    Hi, Wiz. Your list is slightly bizarre, but exaggeration is a chief component of satire, wit and Watchtower analysis.

    The most useful new rule will be the dress code at the conventions. People who are dressed more casually will automatically be love bombing targets. We should all put on our jeans and favorite rock band tees and receive some manifestations of "love" from those who hate us most.



  • WTWizard

    True, the list is somewhat bizarre, and there is a good chance that they will wuss out on passing the whole list. However, there is at least a chance that some or all of them will be issued as rules. And there could be rules that are even more bizarre that I didn't think of.

    This is fair warning to anyone who is thinking of joining the Watchtower now. You are gambling that I am wrong on all these items. Join at your own risk. These are some of the articles that I think have a good chance of being implemented, in part or wholly. If you do not join, you will not have to worry about it. If you are in now and decide to leave while you still can, you might also not have to worry about any of it except for the possibility of the hounding of faders and would-be faders. Stay in, and you will have plenty to worry yourself sick about during 2008 and 2009.

  • Arthur

    I think that they need to institute a new rule that says all Witness males must lose their virginity by the age of 25, or be disfellowhipped. There's no need to create a similar rule for the sisters. They already do.

  • WTWizard

    I think that would be an excellent suggestion to require men to lose their virginity by 25. In fact, it would have been so good that they will not think of that. Rather, they would force men to keep their virginity for life if there is any way they can accomplish it. Short of that (if they have to marry, oh all right then let them. But we would really rather they don't), they will restrict it so any fun will be eliminated as much as possible.

    I personally think all the rules that they are actually going to pass is grounds for them to fall. Only time will tell with certainty what they are going to do. All I can tell is what they are more or less likely to, and then it is possible that they will do even worse.

    As for why I think a total ban on entertainment is on its way, I have noticed the trend since the beginning. They start out with the basic doctrines about the Trinity and hellfire, which do little to limit fun. From there, Booze Rutherford starts up the service (limiting time for recreation). He also bans the holidays. Later, they ban birthdays. Then they ban association with worldlings in work and school settings that includes entertainment.

    Starting about the mid 1980s, they phase out congregation parties and gatherings. The rollerskate parties are first to go. Then they have many an article about picnics and wedding parties, effectively banning them also. They took the word "party" out of our vocabulary around 2000. The Feb 2004 KM had an article about 5:30 AM street work and 3:00 PM service, cutting even further into free time. So, the resolution is no surprise. It is another step toward a project that has been going on for nearly 100 years.

    However, anyone who jumps ship can have all the entertainment that they want. On the outside, they cannot make rules and expect us to obey them. Hopefully it will make people think twice before joining or staying.

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