Aren't You Glad You're Out of the Organization??? Do You Now Have A Life?

by minimus 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Soledad

    It took a while but yes I am so glad to have found a life outside of the small JW world. When I look at them now I am amazed and can't believe that I used to be one of them. I am so so different today than I was over 10 years ago.

  • lilybird

    Yep, Im happy my husband and I made the decision to leave 20 years ago. Now instead of Saturday morning field service, we go and have breakfast at a local restaurant then take the dog for a walk . Instead of worrying about studying our watchtower for Sunday meeting, we can choose to sleep in or do whatever we feel like doing for the weekend. We have given our kids the freedom to make choices in their lives that they wouldn't have if we were still enslaved to the organization.Life is for living now,, not to be kept on hold for the "new system". (which is never going to come anyways.)

  • Sasha

    YES. I must say, though, over many years I did learn a lot about the bible and am grateful for it. But the pressure of the organizaton was just too much for me. Always felt (Don't know the word to use) uncomfortable and weird, kinda apacey, almost like I was on LSD. One witness told me that was the Holy Spirit coming into me. Believed that for years until I started having anxiety attacks as I started asking "questions" that I was given lies to. That was the end. I do feel free.

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